May 2024 Forecast


May 2024 Cosmic Forecast

          This is a month when the weather will continue to frustrate most of us in many ways.  There will be frost where it is least expected and often crops will suffer because of the unpredictability of the normal flow of nature.  Severe storms will continue to pop up in areas usually unexpected.  Mother Nature is going to surprise us in many ways in the upcoming months.  What have been called seasons will disappear and tornados, hurricanes, earthquakes and other extreme storms will appear out of season and out of reason.  It is suggested that everyone have an emergency bag of sorts in their vehicles with at least first aid and water for several days.  That old adage, “Forewarned is forearmed” comes into play here.  Those on the west coast call them “bug out bags” and it appears that it will be a good idea for the future to have one at the ready no matter where you live.  A close personal friend once said, “It only has to save your life once for it to be worth it.”

Electronics of all sorts are going to be disrupted quite often this month and the months to come.  Radar of any sort is going to be disturbed as well, especially at major airports.  Solar flares will be blamed for some of the disturbances but there will be outside causes as well.  It will be found that many of these malfunctions have human causes behind them and when the true source is found many will be shocked.  There will be rolling blackouts in many states this summer and the cause of these will be upsetting to many.  Make sure your electronics are all backed up this summer for there could be massive loss of material as these electronic disturbances occur for they seem to be planned and in human control.

As the month heats up, so too will the occurrences of rioting that are taking place within the US and around the world.  These disturbances are going to continue and expand over the next few months, interrupting the areas in which they are occurring in.  Outside sources are adding fuel to the fire so to speak, and expanding on the outrage that was the initial cause.  These outbursts are going to occur all over the globe and inflame the populations on many different levels.  Logic and reason do not seem to be available at the time and often many use these outbursts as an excuse to flood their environment with inner hate and anger without ever knowing the intimal cause of the flood they are taking part in.

This is going to be a month in which truth on all levels is sought and, on many levels, found.  There will be the element of conspiracies uncovered and often many unexpected individuals targeted as the initiator to the surprise of many.  Though truth is uncovered there will often not be the expected consequence for their actions, which may well be the cause of outrage from the populace, The Month of May will be one in which truth is found and pathways cleared of many who have misused the powers given them by the populace.

Many will find themselves questioning their directions in life this month and there may be changes in everyone’s lives as to direction.  The element of shift and alteration in focus seems to be touching everyone on many different levels.  Change is always good, but should start with small shifts, just to make sure the correct direction has been chosen.  This is not a time for major upset, but cautious forays into new territories could lead to new avenues for exploration when the year is reborn.

Creative endeavors on all levels will provide the release of tensions that have been building up and give each new aspects of creative expression that can and will provide new insight into the pathways ahead.  The more creative the greater the inspiration and the more profound the results.  This is a time in which all should be looking inside for elements not pursued before.  You need not become an expert, just take joy from the experience and you will find that life gives you more breathing space than you had before.

In viewing the times that are unfolding before our eyes, The chaos and anger that is being expressed in so many different areas and ways, perhaps we should remember the 60’s and the revolution of the hippies.  Those were times when there was a revolution of love and peace.  Those were not the best of times, but not the worst either.  Those were times when love was celebrated with peace and flowers.  There are more ways to  revolt and make a point than with anger … a lesson I guess we didn’t learn.


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