July 2024 Forecast


July 2024 Forecast

     The element of the domino effect continues as we enter the month of July.  Many are beginning to notice that there is a building of the energy that is quite evident at this time, and it is going to build exponentially as we draw closer to the end of 2024, and enter into 2025.  Individuals will be feeling the intensity as it builds in the personal as well as the global arenas.  Difficulties that have seemed minor to this point take on greater prominence within reality.  Downloads of spiritual information and insight are being felt by all, and as vision clears new awareness dawns within each individual according to their levels of consciousness and awareness.  Many are finding themselves questioning who they really are, why they are here and what is the purpose of this lifetime upon planet earth.  All good and heavy questions and while parts of the answers will become available in time, we wont be privy to the totality until we pass beyond the veil and move into our total etheric form when this life falls away and we are set free from the physical form.

This is a time when all are seeing more clearly and the lies that have been used to hide the truth begin to crumble and fall away.  Revealing the truth that has been hidden from view for generations as it finally comes to the light.  That humanity as a whole has begun to suspect that there is a larger agenda at work within our realities, and that those in power are not really the ones wo are making the decisions and pulling the strings.  That there is a group beyond our knowledge at work that has been working in the shadows guiding humanity in directions we only now begin to suspect and question.  That there is anger within humanity as we begin to uncover some of these plans and begin to rebel to the manipulations that are now and, in the future, beginning to take place.

As the summer heats up, and temperatures soar there is a greater element of discontent within all of humanity.  July will set records for heat and poor air quality.  This will greatly damage crops and set the stage for food shortages in the future.  The economy within the US will begin to flounder and that will impact the world as a whole as other nations experience similar difficulties.  The weather is going to impact us as well as storms of great intensity continue to pummel all nations.  Hurricanes will be more frequent as will earthquakes in areas not familiar with the inner ramblings of the earth.  Watch for a large meltdown in the Arctic which will impact water levels and in some cases tsunamis in unexpected areas.  The shipping lanes will find ice burgs in areas never seen before which will affect shipping and cruise lines in unusual ways.  Dams in many areas are showing their ages and there is the strong possibility that a few will actually rupture causing flooding in areas not seen before.

As the environment heats up there will be an increase in riots worldwide.  Huge crowds gathering and expressing discontent in many ways, often violently.  Their violence will be intensified by their inner anger as to life’s challenges on a personal level  and will fuel the outer anger and cause many to act out more violently.  Many who are caught up in these mobs will not be able to tell you what or why they are protesting but rather just repeating phrases shouted without understanding the meaning behind the words.  Often violence is committed because of personal inner anger rather than in protest to a cause.  Frequently the seeds of protest and riot are caused by groups with a different agenda and once mob mentality takes over there is no direction other than destruction.  These are times where unrest is being strewn all over the glob as the masses begin to rise up and protest in more and violent ways than ever before … the anger is contagious fueled by lies and betrayal and there is a new demand for truth and justice that cannot be denied.

Though these are dark and often demanding times it doesn’t mean that we are totally powerless to confront them.  That old saying, “we are never given challenges that we are not able to overcome’, is very true.  As a matter of fact it is just times such as these that we can discover within the power and light that will strengthen us and give us the insight to surmount any difficulty that comes our way.  Creativity, an element we all carry within, is literally a portal to insight and inspiration.  In times such as these if we call upon the creative energies within, we will be able to discover inspiration that will lead us to greater understanding and insight into our journeys in spite of what culturally is confronting us in the physical.  Through the creative process we open ourselves too greater light and insight, as well as to greater choices and directions that are available to us.  Please understand that the creativity I speak of here is that which is done in joy and love and not necessarily one that is done for profit.  Take the time to find elements within your reality that bring you joy, nature, meditation, creative projects that embrace you with peace and love.  The more frequently you stretch into those elements within you the more easily you will flow through the dark times and often find that not only light, love and laughter has carried you through but has enlightened you and changed your focus as well.  There is always light at the end of the tunnel, though some tunnels seem longer than others, but then the light we claim at the end is always brighter because of the journey.

To listen to Barbara read the October 2024 Cosmic Forecast along with beautiful imagery from the Cosmic Deck of Initiation watch this video on Barbara's YouTube channel!


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