Cosmic Forecast 2025 Overview





Cosmic Forecast 2025


          2025 brings with it promise on many different levels for all of humanity.  The element of borders on all levels seems to be indicated and whether large or small they are going to be in the forefront of everyone’s reality.  Globally speaking, borders are shifting and will continue to change for the foreseeable future.  Populations are moving, some voluntarily and some because of political pressures.  The borders of many countries will change in the year and years to come and the balance of power as well will shift in sometimes the most surprising of ways.  Small independent countries will merge for protection and power, and populations will shift to flow with the changes.  European countries are going through reorganization as well and the power shifts will not always be peaceful.  The United States as well will have inner shifts where borders are adjusted because of population and within the next five years the United States is going to get larger in the most surprising of ways.  For political reasons the states will acquire a larger addition that will be to its advantage and this will come as a surprise to many. There will also be smaller additions to the states as well, some not at all expected.

On individual levels it will be important for everyone to check and reinforce their inner boundaries for the times indicate that personal boundaries will be necessary for stability and focus.  The times are changing as we move into new times, inner philosophies will shift as well.  Where once those in the US felt protected by two great oceans, that is no longer the case for the military can cross those distances with ease.  This is not to say that there will be an invasion of any sort but rather that we are now on the same standing as the rest of the world and the concept of isolation is no longer an option.  Attention as to what is going on in the rest of the world will eventually impact and influence us as well.

While the new year brings with it the element of peace, do not for a minute think that those who have been at war will put their weapons down.  While it may seem at first that peace has been restored that is only on the surface and plotting and manipulating will continue with great vigor under the surface.  Those who have sought power will only go underground to await another opportunity to make their presence known. What we will be seeing is only a shift of focus, and alternative approaches will be applied to seize what they have sought for generations.

2025 will be a time when political handshakes will, for a time, take the place of guns and armaments.   Weapons of tariffs and words will, for a time, bring a sort of peace to the world.  With the redistribution of large populations difficulties with language and religious beliefs may well cause some disturbances in all areas of the world, leading religious leaders to the decision to adjust their belief systems in order to embrace the differences and unite and integrate parts of the populations not in agreement before.  This will be a time when many will question the changes that are being made as to where the actual truth as to religious beliefs rests.  This marks the first physical effort to move to a universal religion and may well also signal a departure from religious dogma in favor of a spiritual practice.  Those who follow religious dogma will isolate themselves into different groups.  While those who follow universal cosmic philosophies embrace all, and reject, none being guided by universal laws that are accepted by all.  This is only the beginning but over the decades the universal will unite everyone ultimately, and without violence of any kind.  Cosmic and universal philosophies will begin to be more evident among the population and practices of a more universal nature will begin to embrace the masses.  As levels of consciousness expand the understanding that what humanity has been guided by for thousands of years only laid the foundations for a more cosmic view of reality.  Old schools, old concepts, old dogma will give way to a more universal, philosophical, understanding that will lead to expanded consciousness that opens the portals to a more expansive reality that patiently awaits humanity.

As The earth moves into new aspects cosmically and is being bombarded with solar flares more and more frequently the atmosphere itself is changing impacting every living creature upon and in the earth and the oceans.  The poles are shifting as well and astrologically we are moving from one age to another.  Individually, all those energies shifting at the same time will greatly have impact on the human condition as well.  Though you may not be aware of it, all these shifts and energetic changes that have surrounded us have changed the human condition as well.  Biochemically we are changing, we are evolving, and our consciousness is expanding.  The universe is in many ways, impacting our DNA-RNA genetic codes.

In the 1970’s Brad Steiger, a well-known author, psychic, and UFO researcher after working with extensively with NASA engineers and scientists, as well as other people from all walks of life determined some of the characteristics that those who were experiencing these sifts would have.  They called those with these individuals Star People and found that diet and environmental conditions along with  sociological-psychological earthly programing could determine how intensely the individuals were able to take on this new energy and expand their consciousness accordingly.  Now, 50 or so years later, it becomes apparent that everyone is experiencing these qualities because of the changes in the environment and the degree to which the individual evolves as to consciousness depends on choices made in incarnations from the past in which lessons are learned and applied to the current time.  I am including those characteristics below so you can compare them to yourselves.  I believe that we are all Star Children just in different stages of evolving into a more expansive consciousness and understanding of our places within the cosmos.  Some will embrace the changes faster than others but in time and generations yet to come we will wll be embraced by these energies and philosophies we have yet to identify.  The human spirit evolves and awakens consciousness, The journey through eternity awakens new levels with each incarnation.  What we experience today is awareness as to the process and our part of the journey.

Below you will find the characteristics the NASA document cited:

Feel like “A stranger in a strange land.”

Compelling eyes and personal charisma.

Unusual Blood type or even a combination of blood types.

Extra vertebrae, transitional vertebrae, fused vertebrae, or lower back pains.

Extra or ‘Misplaced” ribs

Hypersensitivity to electricity, electromagnetic force fields.

Lower than normal blood pressure.

Unusually sharp hearing, and eyes very sensitive to light.

Chronic sinusitis (irritation in nose or nostrils).

Thrive on little sleep and do their best work at night.

Was an unexpected child.

Seem to have been “Reborn” in cycles, for example, 1932-38, 1942-48, 1952-58, 1962-68, etc.

Felt their earth mother and father are not their real parents and they long or yearn for their true place of origin.

Had a dramatic or unusual experience when they were very young, which often took the form of a white light and/or visitation by beautiful and benevolent human appearing beings who gave information and comfort.

Complain of a feeling of great urgency, a short time to complete an important goal or a special mission.

Experience a buzzing, ringing or a clicking noise or a high-pitched mechanical whine in the ears prior to, during, or after some psychic-spiritual events or a warning of danger

Had unseen companions as a child.

Have had contact with angels, masters, elementals nature spirits, spiritiual teachers or openly declared UFO intelligences.

Had one or more serious accidents, illnesses, traumatic experiences, close calls or life-threatening situations in which they should or could have died bt fully or quickly recovered.

Felt or sensed that they were being watched over and divinely protected.

Have unusual abilities which are considered paranormal by their peers and their family.

Have natural or unusual abilities in specialized areas, such as art, music, mathematics, acting, natural sciences. Healing, etc.

Their artwork, dreams or visions often involve an outer space, multi-moon, or multidimensional, interplanetary envirenmont.

Children and animals are often attracted to them.

Feel like they are one of the 144,000.

May have mystic crosses, mystic eyes, or mystic stars on their palms.

Experience a strong attraction to natural quartz crystal and gemstones.

Often have flying dreams or out-of-body experiences.

Have a strong affinity to past eras of Atlantis &Lemuria, ancient Egypt, Biblical Times, King Arthur & Camelot, and of remembering past lives during those periods.

Feel a special attraction or drawing to the planet Venus, the Pleiades, the Orion constellation or other celestial locations as well as knowing deep within tat their real home is somewhere beyond the stars.

They are usually starry-eyed romantics.

Often seem to take on the role of being an empath.

Have often experienced, when glancing at a digital clock or watch that the time happened to be at “11:11”.

Have received the message or feeling from inner guidance or from their UFO contacts that “Now is the time”.

You may or may not relate to any of these characteristics … if you do just be aware that it is an indication that there is an evolution taking place within you and enjoy it.  Welcoming change and embracing the awareness it brings you expands your consciousness and enables you to merge with the future that calls to us all.

Happy New Year Everyone … it’s a good time to start a journal!


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