August 2024 Forecast


August 2024 Cosmic Forecast

      Waves of energy cascade over humanity as the month of august dawns and will continue for some time.  This energy will impact all elements of our field and there will most definitely be a disturbance in the forces around us.  Some of the shifts will be due to extreme solar flares that continue to this day, others are more locally and intentionally created.  Wave after wave will impact our realities and the weather will be impacted most significantly.  Storms will continue to be of greater intensity, almost as if nature was having a temper tantrum.  Destructive storms will continue to impact the earth as well as earthquakes of increasing intensity as the year flows to completion.  Most are seeing the increase in small quakes that are only a hint as to what will eventually impact not only the US but other nations as well.  In those areas not used to these phenomena, where construction is not done in consideration of quakes there will be massive chaos.

While Humanity as a species is constantly evolving so to is the earth, changing and shifting in accordance with new elements to be evolved and developed.  The earth has gone through these cycles before, just not in human memory or consciousness.  As we grow and change, evolve and come to a greater understanding of the gifts and tools that we have carried throughout incarnations we let go of thoughts and philosophies that no longer serve our awareness and expanded consciousness.  The earth also strives to find a greater balance of inner and outer energy and shifts plates to come to a greater balance.  Humanity has effectively shifted the outer crust and as a result the earth strives to balance that shift … resulting in confusion upon the surface.  Perhaps in time we will recognize that there must be a balance between the earth mother and those of us who live upon the surface.  Watch to the skies as well for there are those who indicate that the stars are shifting.  It isn’t the stars but rather an extreme polar shift that is beginning that will continue for some time to come until there is stability in this area.

August will see greater heat in all areas as well as air quality suffering as well.  This is the new norm for a decade or so to come and all will have to adapt to these shifts and adjust their lives accordingly.  Farmers will plant and harvest in new patterns and once a rhythm has been established food scarcity will disappear, until the next shift.  August will see heat in places not used to and we will find that what used to be vacation locations are shifted to new areas as tourists seek greater relief from the heat that seems more extreme with each passing day.  Animals are reacting to the shifts internally and externally and will seem skittish and uneasy, small domestic animals will seem uneasy and cling to owners … as the weather gets cooler, they will return to whatever their normal behavior is.

Water systems in all areas of the world are going to be under great pressure and in several large cities there may well be failure that is very inconvenient for those who rely on old, almost ancient systems.  New York is one of those areas that may well find very old systems failing and leaving the city in distress in the next few months to come.  Other areas that may find difficulties are Nevada, Louisiana, Northern California, New Mexico, Haiti, and Florida.  Also effected would be Japan, Taiwan, Poland and Great Brittan.  Water seems to be an area to be closely watched over, whether is from lack of or the reverse, too much of.  The Mississippi as well is indicating that there are disturbances beneath it that may well cause some interesting difficulties.  Put Yellowstone on the watchlist as well.

Volcanoes are awakening and ice packs are melting, almost as if Mother nature is having hot and cold flashes at the same time.  While this can be energetically disturbing it is also an exciting time and one, we will all survive. New energy is coming our way and it opens the portals for greater understanding and awareness as to our purpose and destinies to some degree.  These changes open the  portals within as the energies shift and we can take advantage of these times to expand our consciousness/awareness and utilize our creativity to make great changes in ourselves as well as society.  These changes don’t take the form of rebellion but rather understanding of the love that we were created in and how to share that energy… not through words as much as in behavior towards one another. The nature of the planet is changing and so is the nature of the human spirit.  The recent pandemic gave us the opportunity to spend time in reflection in looking within and making changes, of opening portals to creativity and new awareness as to our focus.  While the times are, to say the least, in upheaval, so to, is the inner focus we all possess.  Love and kindness, compassion and communication are more deeply engraved within each of us and as we learn to share it … in spite of what is happening around us … we can and will change the world.

On personal levels this is a month when balance should be sought within.  The blending of the physical and spiritual will give you a more grounded feeling and greater stability in these times of insecurity.  That balance can be found in many different ways according to your personal belief systems and your personal philosophies.  Not looking to others but seeking the source within will bring you into greater resonance to the source and will help you to be more firmly planted within reality.  Often, we get out of balance in these areas because of conditioning and well-meaning parents and teachers.  Bringing the spiritual into balance with your physical reality gives you access insight, reason and creativity to greater degrees than ever before imagined.  Often in times of stress we lean more in one direction than another, letting go of the wisdom the other holds for you.  Take the time to find that balance and no matter what the universe sends your way you will find direction and purpose where others are swept along with the confusion that may surround them.  Meditation of some form will help you to find that balance, it need not be extreme nor complicated but rather simple and profound, and what fits you like a glove.  Don’t be directed by others but rather create your own way of finding silence within and listening to the spirit within for that is where your true wisdom rests.

Becoming more aware of our connections with others is another area that will give us each a greater feeling of being grounded and connected is another area that should be focused upon this month as well.  While the times are frequently chaotic it is important to remember that many are being swept along without understanding what the chaos is about.  Compassion for them and others gives you a better understanding of the fact that we are all one with each other and understanding and compassion can tend to calm the energy rather than feed it.  It is important to remember that when we see actions that are inappropriate, we only recognize them because in some lifetime past we were most probably guilty of those actions as well.  Judging those actions never helps to solve the problems but compassion can lead to understanding on all levels within everyone.  It doesn’t happen overnight but in time, the point is made and taken in.

Healing energy and communication flow with greater intensity this month than ever before.  Remember that your words hold great power so use them with care.  Creative energy is often hidden in words spoken to others so make sure you listen to what you tell others for therein is also a message to yourself. There is a wonderful flow of healing energy within you this month both with words and touch.  Be more aware what the simplest of touches can communicate and share with others.  The energy you share on just the simplest of levels can have more meaning that you could imagine.  Work done with the hands carries within it this month especially a form of creative magic.  Whether it is from writing, painting, cooking, gardening or whatever project you flow into with love the energy is drawn in and shared with whoever it touches.  This is a great time to write real (not computer) letters to those you are connected to.  Emails get deleted, real letters get saved and treasured.  Reconnect to those who are and have been close to you and reweave that connection for the times yet to come.

There is going to be this month a feeling of energy flowing in all different directions, and it is.  There is a destabilizing energy that can and will be confusing to everyone.  There is going to be information that is shared with the populace that will be confusing and often upsetting.  There may well be more mobs in many of the large cities around the world as everyone tries to find truth and love in areas where it seems to be lacking.  But this too shall pass.  Stand back as well as you can, become a watcher not a participant, wait until September arrives until you make any major decisions for it is going to be quite a ride.  Though the air is full of others telling their version of the truth it wont be until September or October that you should make your decisions for the truth will eventually come to light in spite of those who are trying to keep it in the closet.  Watch, Listen and wait for it will be well worth your restraint if you let the chips fall until you commit yourself to a direction that will effect your future in a multitude of different ways.

     By the end of the month you will owe yourself a deep breath and a pat on the back. Take a few moments to reflect and then engage yourself again in what next month has in store for you!


To listen to Barbara read the October 2024 Cosmic Forecast along with beautiful imagery from the Cosmic Deck of Initiation watch this video on Barbara's YouTube channel!


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