April 2015

April 2015

April 2015

The weather changes, the patterns sift and all of humanity becomes subtly aware of the ramifications of these changes. There will be some who will say its happened before and they will in some ways be correct. There are patterns that take hundreds perhaps thousands of years to complete and if humanity had not been present they would have remained constant. However humanity has become a new aspect of the evolution of the planet. Never before have so many pollutants been poured into the natural elements of the planet, never before have toxic chemicals been so abundantly infused into the elements and never before has nuclear waste be so present upon the earth’s crust. So …again …never before have these patterns been a part of the equation of the shifting weather patterns we now see. Humanity and the planet will adjust in one way or another but what we see now is unprecedented and fits no known pattern in recorded time.

The element of truth becomes a focus within all of our lives. There is a call for transparency in not only our personal lives but in the reality around us. The element of being truthful with ourselves in relation to our actions is most important. First and foremost knowing why we say and do what we manifest. What are our reasons and are they spiritually oriented or are there rather ulterior motives connected to them. This is a time when we need to be honest with ourselves and the reasoning behind our actions. For some this will not be a challenge but for others, those who really are honest with themselves it will call for shifting and changing some of the focuses of their lives. It isn’t easy, some have incredible abilities of rationalization. Those who will have the greatest difficulties will be those who claim to be on the spiritual pathway and yet are really out for their own financial personal gain. Spiritual gifts were never meant to be for personal or financial gain, they are supposed to be used for sharing insight and wisdom and helping others to find their own gifts. While the universe dose indeed take care of those who are sincerely on the spiritual pathway, none have great financial wealth though there is great richness in many other areas of life for them.

This is a month when many who purport they are “Light Workers” will find that their facade begins to fall away and the fact that they are out only for the money will be very evident. It will be an interesting time, for many who claim to be Light workers, don’t even have a light bulb in the socket.

The element of truth comes out on global levels as well. Governments and politicians are going to be called to task and many will find that there needs to be great reconstruction. A time of awakening for sure, for the general public and the politicians as well. Truth becomes one of those qualities that is most valued and many will find that the compromising they did to get where they now are will be that which brings them down. There is going to be a new format and new players in the game we laughing call politics. The old players have much too much baggage for them to be trusted. A new generation is about to take center stage and it will be very interesting as to the direction they take us in.

This is a month when pieces of many puzzles begin to take form and a greater understanding of the direction we are all moving in becomes a bit clearer. Truth on many levels opens our eyes and helps us to shake away some of the cob webs that have formed within our consciousness’s. When you have no truth or real facts to work with an air of apathy settles in and you don’t question anything. In reality we should question everything. That which is valid will stand the test and then which is not will crumble. We begin to understand the inner complexities of ourselves, the insight and inspiration that is always available to us and to see how to access those qualities. In turn, we begin to view the whole establishment and to dig for answers and find great surprise’s, a bit of shock and much enlightenment. Those who have flexibility will have an easier time with all of this. Those who refuse the changes will struggle a bit but will eventually be caught up in the flow of energy and open to what the truth can do for you.

As thoughts and philosophies change a new fabric of reality is woven and a new harmony is created within the human spirit and the globe as well. Many will find that there is greater energy available and that there is also a richer vibrancy within the human spirit. Many will find that ambition on all levels calls to them and those who thought they were done with learning are ready to start all over. New projects and talents will be brought out and put to work. This marks a time when almost everyone will seek to learn new modalities, creative sources call from new and unusual places and just about everyone seeks to stretch and add to their intellectual libraries. It almost feels like a new age of sorts where everyone is stretching and not content to settle with the status quo. Look for the beginnings of great changes in new and unusual places.

The element of what goes around comes around will be illustrated in a major way this month. Not only on a personal level with each individual but on a grander scale as well. The Golden Rule applies to all of us always, sometimes it is illustrated in subtle ways and at other times its right in our faces. This is going to be one of those times its right in our faces. It is a quality that is at the very foundation of every major religion out there and yet that which has been built upon the foundation has not always respected the foundation. Look for information and truth to begin emerging in small trickles this month, it is the beginning of some rather large awakenings for everyone. As you apply this concept to your lives much will change and you will find a new richness not expected that will shift your focus and direction greatly.

There is new balance as the month draws to an end and the spiritual that has been flowing and opening sort of explodes into your realities. The universal laws become more evident and the manner in which we all function changes for the better. Creativity opens channels for the spiritual and many find a new understanding for the purpose and direction for their lives. Many will focus on making changes so that they flow more harmoniously with those inner shifts and there is a sense of laughter, joy and celebration as we move into a new level of consciousness.

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