Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom

Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom: a collection of poems (2nd edition)

Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom: a collection of poems by Barbara M DeLongWhispers of Spiritual Wisdom by Barbara M. DeLong is a collection of poems that will lift your spirit, heal your soul and transport you to a new level of self awareness.

"Spiritual thoughts and philosophies often have a special flow to them. They gently cascade from the higher consciousness without intellectual analysis and nestle comfortably upon the page. They magnetically draw to them other like minded spirits and share the magic of awakening to the higher realms. This book was created in such energy, the words and messages created themselves and as I have often stated, “they came through me, not of me”. I invite you to share the messages they contain, apply what works for you and pass on what doesn’t. Share the magic and pass it on."
- Love, Light and Laughter ... Barbara

"A podcaster, minister, and artist, Ms. DeLong brings forth a philosophical mix of narrative poetry that speaks on concepts of spiritual enlightenment, healing, and self awareness. Scattered among these musings are gentle free-verse poems that capture the essence of her emotions and the light that shines from within the poet. “Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom” is a poetry collection of calm reflection that is sure to touch your heart and mind."
~ Wendy Van Camp, Poet Laureate, City of Anaheim, CA and author of twice Elgin nominated “The Planets: a scifaiku poetry collection

"Barbara M. DeLong has magic in her heart. Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom is enlightening and uplifting. This beautiful book will open the heart in anyone who takes the time to understand the gift of life, and its inner evolving spirit.
Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom is soothing and insightful. It was a pleasure to savour each word, each line, each metaphor. I would highly recommend Barbara’s book to anyone who is searching to open their heart and expand their knowledge and connection with the Divine."
- Deborah L. Kelly, author of Comes the Storm

Book Information

View Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom: A Collection of Poems (2nd edition)
by Barbara DeLong on Amazon.

Paperback: 121 pages
Publisher: Dimensionfold Publishing (March 14, 2023)
Language: English
ISBN-10: 1989940641
ISBN-13: 978-1989940648

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