Testimonial by singer, pianist, and music revivalist Michael Feinstein, known as the keeper of the Great American Songbook.
" There is magic inside. Contained herein is an oracle deck and book (created and written by Barbara DeLong) for the moment. The Cosmic Deck of Initiation’s power is truly unlimited and its’ transformational potential, vast. While that might sound like hyperbole, it is not, for I know first-hand that such potential is palpable and real. The Deck has been in my life since 1993 and has changed it, so much for the better. It has been shared with friends like fine wine, and in the decades since its first printing, the deck has become impossible to find. The irony is that when the first edition was released in the nineties it was far ahead of its time. Today people are so much more open to exploring their inner selves with energy work, vibrational therapies, and other modalities as an accepted part of modern life. Yet the cards simply share a return to ancient truths. The messages of the Cosmic Deck are eternal and timeless.
Barbara DeLong has lovingly brought into physical manifestation a fundamental system of growth and healing that will help to create change in any way you wish. The system works from our own energies to bring what is needed in the moment. It works on multiple levels: first and foremost with the Mandalas themselves and their esoteric wonders of color, shape, design, and geometry, all encoded with power and grace. Do not underestimate their power. Accompanying them is the new interpretive book that expands exponentially upon the original edition offering brilliant and clear systems of interpretation that peer deep into the soul.
The deck can be used as simply as selecting a single card or by diving deep into vast wells of wisdom when exploring the different spreads and meanings shared in Barbara’s powerful book. There are six categories or levels explored in the text: Body/Health; Future; Career/Finance; Mind and Spirit. She stresses that it is truly up to each one of us to find what we are looking for here, and the book will respond in kind as a gentle guide along the path.
It is my sincere belief that the Cosmic Deck will exponentially grow in power and influence and shall one day be recognized as an eternal classic. Enjoy.'
Michael Feinstein, American singer, pianist and music revivalist
May 19, 2023
Testimonial by singer, pianist, and music revivalist Michael Feinstein, known as the keeper of the Great American Songbook.
" There is magic inside. Contained herein is an oracle deck and book (created and written by Barbara DeLong) for the moment. The Cosmic Deck of Initiation’s power is truly unlimited and its’ transformational potential, vast. While that might sound like hyperbole, it is not, for I know first-hand that such potential is palpable and real. The Deck has been in my life since 1993 and has changed it, so much for the better. It has been shared with friends like fine wine, and in the decades since its first printing, the deck has become impossible to find. The irony is that when the first edition was released in the nineties it was far ahead of its time. Today people are so much more open to exploring their inner selves with energy work, vibrational therapies, and other modalities as an accepted part of modern life. Yet the cards simply share a return to ancient truths. The messages of the Cosmic Deck are eternal and timeless.
Barbara DeLong has lovingly brought into physical manifestation a fundamental system of growth and healing that will help to create change in any way you wish. The system works from our own energies to bring what is needed in the moment. It works on multiple levels: first and foremost with the Mandalas themselves and their esoteric wonders of color, shape, design, and geometry, all encoded with power and grace. Do not underestimate their power. Accompanying them is the new interpretive book that expands exponentially upon the original edition offering brilliant and clear systems of interpretation that peer deep into the soul.
The deck can be used as simply as selecting a single card or by diving deep into vast wells of wisdom when exploring the different spreads and meanings shared in Barbara’s powerful book. There are six categories or levels explored in the text: Body/Health; Future; Career/Finance; Mind and Spirit. She stresses that it is truly up to each one of us to find what we are looking for here, and the book will respond in kind as a gentle guide along the path.
It is my sincere belief that the Cosmic Deck will exponentially grow in power and influence and shall one day be recognized as an eternal classic. Enjoy.'
Michael Feinstein, American singer, pianist and music revivalist
May 19, 2023
Testimonial by biblical scholar, best selling author, and Professor of Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity Dr. James Tabor
"I love doing interviews with Barbara DeLong, who hosts Night Light Radio on-line (https://www.blogtalkradio.com/night-light) Barbara interviews authors in-depth, several a week, and has for years. I am thinking she probably reads more books, more carefully, than anyone I know. In this two-hour session--the first of three--on my "Trilogy" of best-selling books published between 2007-2012 with Simon & Schuster, we explore the topic of the historical Jesus--what can we know, how can we know it--combining texts, archaeology, geography, and history.
The thing I like about Barbara is that she does books and she does two or three a week and she just reads all the time, I guess. I know when I scheduled my first book with her, which was I believe The Jesus Dynasty, we put it a month ahead or so because she needed time to read the book. Then later we did Paul and Jesus and another book, The Jesus Discovery, that hasn't gotten as much attention but is part of this Trilogy. We did all three of those and they’re a Trilogy, they're meant to go together. I had just published Paul's Ascent to Paradise so when I did the interview with Barbara for Paul and Jesus, which is a pretty well-known book, she heard about my new book and said "Well I want to read that too!" So we waited six weeks more so she could read it! She typically does two-hour interviews, but she always reads the whole book! That's the thing, and you can imagine she had read hundreds and hundreds of books because she has just been doing this for years and she does two or three a week, sometimes four a week! It's such a pleasure to interview with her and I'm going to post all those interviews on my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@JamesTaborVideos) for those of you who are serious and like what I call "deep dives" into the material. I think are going to like and enjoy them, so for the next few days or so I'm going to start posting these. They're audios and they're from Barbara's radio program Night Lite Radio (https://www.blogtalkradio.com/night-light) and she also puts all the shows on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@pobox270/videos )."
Dr. James Tabor, Biblical Scholar & Author
Testimonial by biblical scholar, best selling author, and Professor of Ancient Judaism and Early Christianity Dr. James Tabor
"I love doing interviews with Barbara DeLong, who hosts Night Light Radio on-line (https://www.blogtalkradio.com/night-light) Barbara interviews authors in-depth, several a week, and has for years. I am thinking she probably reads more books, more carefully, than anyone I know. In this two-hour session--the first of three--on my "Trilogy" of best-selling books published between 2007-2012 with Simon & Schuster, we explore the topic of the historical Jesus--what can we know, how can we know it--combining texts, archaeology, geography, and history.
The thing I like about Barbara is that she does books and she does two or three a week and she just reads all the time, I guess. I know when I scheduled my first book with her, which was I believe The Jesus Dynasty, we put it a month ahead or so because she needed time to read the book. Then later we did Paul and Jesus and another book, The Jesus Discovery, that hasn't gotten as much attention but is part of this Trilogy. We did all three of those and they’re a Trilogy, they're meant to go together. I had just published Paul's Ascent to Paradise so when I did the interview with Barbara for Paul and Jesus, which is a pretty well-known book, she heard about my new book and said "Well I want to read that too!" So we waited six weeks more so she could read it! She typically does two-hour interviews, but she always reads the whole book! That's the thing, and you can imagine she had read hundreds and hundreds of books because she has just been doing this for years and she does two or three a week, sometimes four a week! It's such a pleasure to interview with her and I'm going to post all those interviews on my YouTube channel (https://www.youtube.com/@JamesTaborVideos) for those of you who are serious and like what I call "deep dives" into the material. I think are going to like and enjoy them, so for the next few days or so I'm going to start posting these. They're audios and they're from Barbara's radio program Night Lite Radio (https://www.blogtalkradio.com/night-light) and she also puts all the shows on YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/@pobox270/videos )."
Dr. James Tabor, Biblical Scholar & Author
Testimonial by accomplished playwright, poet, novelist, actor, director, artist, musician, and teacher, Joey Madia
“Barbara DeLong’s Cosmic Deck of Initiation and the accompanying handbook are as indispensable as we navigate the spiritual forest of Now as are the solitary hiker’s Swiss Army knife and compass.”
“Soul Guidance”: A Review of The Cosmic Deck of Initiation and How to Use the Cosmic Deck of Initiation, by Barbara M. DeLong (Dimensionfold Publishing, 2023). ISBN: 978-1-989940-77-8
Full Review
"As a spiritual practitioner, I believe in using a wide variety of tools in the quest for a fulfilling experience as I walk the “good red road.” Over the past two decades, I have collected a variety of Tarot and other guidance decks for my toolbox. Ranging from the traditional Tarot, to thematic versions (from baseball to pirates), to pathmaking, oracle, angel, archetype, and dream decks, I have used them with varying degrees of satisfaction. Some decks are akin to fortune cookie messages and horoscopes—too general to be of any use. Some get by solely on their images and themes.
Several months ago, Barbara M. DeLong, podcast host, author, artist, ordained minister, and “seeker of the mysteries of spirituality,” after being a guest on my podcast to talk about the book she cowrote with Ken Goudsward, Before Roswell (based on the extensive research of her deceased husband), asked me to work with her Cosmic Deck of Initiation. I readily agreed.
The birth and history of the deck are fascinating. Barbara (who is not a trained artist) channeled the exquisite mandalas used for most of the cards. She tells us in the introduction to the book—which she recently wrote to accompany the deck (prior, there was a small booklet enclosed with the cards)—that she “painted for 12 or more hours a day for 9 months while teaching full time, being a single parent and never missing one little league game.”
The deck itself did not come to her all at once, but in different-sized sets. Sometimes 11 at a time, sometimes 12 (the astrological signs), sometimes less. As the deck built itself, Barbara saw symmetry and order. The first two sets equaled 22 cards, the master builder’s number. A third set of 11 brought the total to 33, the number of the master teacher.
The deck comprises the following cards: Seven for the chakras; evolution, commitment, laughter, and intuition; 11 Major Cosmic Laws; 11 Universal Energies; 12 astrological signs; and seven Wild Cards.
All spiritual practitioners can relate to something in this deck. It would not be a misuse to concentrate on the chakra mandalas, or the astrological signs, using only those sets of cards. Although the accompanying book is robust, and offers several spreads, DeLong says numerous times that the spreads are mere suggestions and that intuition should take you where you need to go.
As to the spreads: I spent several weeks with them. They range from a single card to 37. There are multiple ways to employ the single-card spread. You can ask a simple question and glean some guidance; you can put a card under your pillow and ask to dream about it (I use this technique with a variety of decks); you can meditate upon a card’s mandala; you can focus on an astrological sign, chakra, cosmic law, or universal energy on which you wish to work.
The next suggested layout is the Pyramid 6-Card Spread. I found this to be one of the most instantly useful spreads with which I have ever worked. I meditated on a different question each time, also asking family and friends if they had anything on which they wanted to work.
This is a good time to mention that these are not your typical rectangular cards. They are hexagonal. You can fit them together to make interesting visual shapes. As I shuffled them before drawing the requisite number of cards, they naturally formed beautiful shapes in my hands, with dozens of layered edges releasing palpable visual and psychic energies.
The next suggested spread is the Astrological. Twelve cards (representing Houses) ring a central “Divine” one, for 13 cards in all. You could use this spread for a yearlong meditation, working with each sign/time period as appropriate.
Before I share the most elaborate of the spreads, I want to mention that DeLong provides several layers of detail to aid in interpreting the cards. Some users/readers will want to make their own interpretations. For those who want some guidance, there are brief descriptions in the book’s introductory pages. There are also longer, but still succinct, descriptions in the booklet that accompanies the Cosmic Deck. Then there are very detailed descriptions for each card under the headings Body/Health, Future, Career/Finances, Mind, Love, and Spirit. That means you can use each card for six unique foci. These foci also add depth to the spreads; based on position (for instance, in the Astrological Spread) you can zero in on a particular area of interest.
The final spread comprises 37 cards. It is the Foundation Spread, useful in numerous ways. Using the Astrological Spread as its center, you add two cards to each sign/month, radiating outward. You can use the three cards in each row for guidance on Body, Mind, and Spirit or Past, Present, and Future. This spread can be the basis for a yearlong exploration with plenty of monthly guidance regarding on what you should be focusing.
There are 15 cards remaining after the Foundation Spread is complete. In an abundant Universe, nothing goes to waste. DeLong honors this universal truth by suggesting that these 15 cards can be examined as aspects of our spiritual growth that we are avoiding. Sure enough… about 75% of the remaining cards after I laid out my Foundation Spread were cards that had not come up in previous spreads. Looking them over, it struck me how accurate the avoidance aspect was. For this reason, this selection of cards might be the most useful for us to work with if we wish to keep growing into our brightest expression of Who We Are and Who We Are Becoming.
It seems fitting to circle back. Over the past twenty-plus years, I have used myriad decks. I can honestly say that the Cosmic Deck of Initiation is certainly the most comprehensive and useful I have found.
Given these increasingly complex and trying times, we all can use additional guidance and tools in our toolbox.
Barbara DeLong’s Cosmic Deck of Initiation and the accompanying handbook are as indispensable as we navigate the spiritual forest of Now as are the solitary hiker’s Swiss Army knife and compass."
Joey Madia, Playwright, Poet, Novelist, Actor, Director, Artist, Musician, and Teacher
Testimonial by accomplished playwright, poet, novelist, actor, director, artist, musician, and teacher, Joey Madia
“Barbara DeLong’s Cosmic Deck of Initiation and the accompanying handbook are as indispensable as we navigate the spiritual forest of Now as are the solitary hiker’s Swiss Army knife and compass.”
“Soul Guidance”: A Review of The Cosmic Deck of Initiation and How to Use the Cosmic Deck of Initiation, by Barbara M. DeLong (Dimensionfold Publishing, 2023). ISBN: 978-1-989940-77-8
Full Review
"As a spiritual practitioner, I believe in using a wide variety of tools in the quest for a fulfilling experience as I walk the “good red road.” Over the past two decades, I have collected a variety of Tarot and other guidance decks for my toolbox. Ranging from the traditional Tarot, to thematic versions (from baseball to pirates), to pathmaking, oracle, angel, archetype, and dream decks, I have used them with varying degrees of satisfaction. Some decks are akin to fortune cookie messages and horoscopes—too general to be of any use. Some get by solely on their images and themes.
Several months ago, Barbara M. DeLong, podcast host, author, artist, ordained minister, and “seeker of the mysteries of spirituality,” after being a guest on my podcast to talk about the book she cowrote with Ken Goudsward, Before Roswell (based on the extensive research of her deceased husband), asked me to work with her Cosmic Deck of Initiation. I readily agreed.
The birth and history of the deck are fascinating. Barbara (who is not a trained artist) channeled the exquisite mandalas used for most of the cards. She tells us in the introduction to the book—which she recently wrote to accompany the deck (prior, there was a small booklet enclosed with the cards)—that she “painted for 12 or more hours a day for 9 months while teaching full time, being a single parent and never missing one little league game.”
The deck itself did not come to her all at once, but in different-sized sets. Sometimes 11 at a time, sometimes 12 (the astrological signs), sometimes less. As the deck built itself, Barbara saw symmetry and order. The first two sets equaled 22 cards, the master builder’s number. A third set of 11 brought the total to 33, the number of the master teacher.
The deck comprises the following cards: Seven for the chakras; evolution, commitment, laughter, and intuition; 11 Major Cosmic Laws; 11 Universal Energies; 12 astrological signs; and seven Wild Cards.
All spiritual practitioners can relate to something in this deck. It would not be a misuse to concentrate on the chakra mandalas, or the astrological signs, using only those sets of cards. Although the accompanying book is robust, and offers several spreads, DeLong says numerous times that the spreads are mere suggestions and that intuition should take you where you need to go.
As to the spreads: I spent several weeks with them. They range from a single card to 37. There are multiple ways to employ the single-card spread. You can ask a simple question and glean some guidance; you can put a card under your pillow and ask to dream about it (I use this technique with a variety of decks); you can meditate upon a card’s mandala; you can focus on an astrological sign, chakra, cosmic law, or universal energy on which you wish to work.
The next suggested layout is the Pyramid 6-Card Spread. I found this to be one of the most instantly useful spreads with which I have ever worked. I meditated on a different question each time, also asking family and friends if they had anything on which they wanted to work.
This is a good time to mention that these are not your typical rectangular cards. They are hexagonal. You can fit them together to make interesting visual shapes. As I shuffled them before drawing the requisite number of cards, they naturally formed beautiful shapes in my hands, with dozens of layered edges releasing palpable visual and psychic energies.
The next suggested spread is the Astrological. Twelve cards (representing Houses) ring a central “Divine” one, for 13 cards in all. You could use this spread for a yearlong meditation, working with each sign/time period as appropriate.
Before I share the most elaborate of the spreads, I want to mention that DeLong provides several layers of detail to aid in interpreting the cards. Some users/readers will want to make their own interpretations. For those who want some guidance, there are brief descriptions in the book’s introductory pages. There are also longer, but still succinct, descriptions in the booklet that accompanies the Cosmic Deck. Then there are very detailed descriptions for each card under the headings Body/Health, Future, Career/Finances, Mind, Love, and Spirit. That means you can use each card for six unique foci. These foci also add depth to the spreads; based on position (for instance, in the Astrological Spread) you can zero in on a particular area of interest.
The final spread comprises 37 cards. It is the Foundation Spread, useful in numerous ways. Using the Astrological Spread as its center, you add two cards to each sign/month, radiating outward. You can use the three cards in each row for guidance on Body, Mind, and Spirit or Past, Present, and Future. This spread can be the basis for a yearlong exploration with plenty of monthly guidance regarding on what you should be focusing.
There are 15 cards remaining after the Foundation Spread is complete. In an abundant Universe, nothing goes to waste. DeLong honors this universal truth by suggesting that these 15 cards can be examined as aspects of our spiritual growth that we are avoiding. Sure enough… about 75% of the remaining cards after I laid out my Foundation Spread were cards that had not come up in previous spreads. Looking them over, it struck me how accurate the avoidance aspect was. For this reason, this selection of cards might be the most useful for us to work with if we wish to keep growing into our brightest expression of Who We Are and Who We Are Becoming.
It seems fitting to circle back. Over the past twenty-plus years, I have used myriad decks. I can honestly say that the Cosmic Deck of Initiation is certainly the most comprehensive and useful I have found.
Given these increasingly complex and trying times, we all can use additional guidance and tools in our toolbox.
Barbara DeLong’s Cosmic Deck of Initiation and the accompanying handbook are as indispensable as we navigate the spiritual forest of Now as are the solitary hiker’s Swiss Army knife and compass."
Joey Madia, Playwright, Poet, Novelist, Actor, Director, Artist, Musician, and Teacher
Letters of Thanks & Gratitude for Barbara DeLong!
"Sometimes a special person comes into our lives at just the right time to help us with our rough times. You have been that special person for me.
I really debated about having a reading with you but something kept pushing me to do it. It ended up being the best reading that I ever had. I was having a difficult time trying to get my business going. You helped me by showing me where the problems lay. You also showed me another career path doing something that I really enjoy.
But the time that was the most memorable for me was when my son was rushed to the emergency room of a local hospital. I was scared and the doctors weren’t sure what was wrong with him. I called you and you told me what had happened and that he would be ok. Two days later, I heard the same explanation from the doctor.
Before I met you, I did not believe that any psychic could be as accurate as you have been with me. You have a rare gift and I'm very grateful to have found you, thank you Barbara."
March 2017
“Hello, Barbara,
My name is Shelby, I learned about you through Renee Richards. I recently experienced gratitude so intense that I decided to spend some time this week reaching out to people who have impacted me positively and express my gratitude to them for all that they do.
I work outside in a public garden, which gives me a lot of time to listen to podcasts, what I wanted to express my gratitude for was your show; I listen to it on Google Play. I have enjoyed very much listening to your readings for people, but most of all I enjoy the variety of information that you have brought forward to expand minds. I love that you bring an eclectic array of people from all over to partake in the exchange of information. I may not always agree with the information being provided, but I typically welcome the new perspectives, and your show definitely challenges me to open up and embrace things with a fresh outlook.
So, basically, I am saying THANK YOU. Thank you for putting on your show and all of the work it takes to do it… as well as all of the other things you do for human beings. I have a lot of gratitude in my heart for you and your work, and while I have never talked to you or met you, I do truly appreciate you in all that you do. Actually, one time I was listening to Curious Times and I saw you there, the energy during the interview was a bit intense, and that is when you showed everyone your kitten, and just like that the energy was loving again (I totally saw what you did there). Thank you! “
November 9, 2009
“The Cosmic Deck of Initiation by Barbara M. DeLong is a deck of fifty-two circular mandala cards that “…go straight to the energy world and depict the energies in geometrical patterns and a variety of colors.” Ms. DeLong has created a deck that is not a Tarot deck in any way shape or form, but is certainly a fascinating oracle deck that can help a person towards greater understanding of self, if able to take the time to do the work.
The cards come with a LWB (Little White Book), as do most Tarot decks and other oracle decks. And she gives a very good explanation on how to work with these cards, which are focused on Astrological signs, Laws of the Universe, and patterns that can represent various energies going on in one’s life.
DeLong states, “To cast opinion from a limited perspective… that which initially seems bad is later understood to have been a fortunate, unexpected step in life.”
Some of the cards’ titles give insight into their divinatory meanings in this deck, such as: Sower of Seeds, Giver of Light, Healer Within, Evolution, Law of Life, Law of Continuity, Law of Compensation, Law of Attraction, Law of Frequency, Law of Limitation, Law of Free will…to name a few.
What I like about this tarot deck is its utility in engaging us towards working on our personal life issues. The individual cards are easy to understand, just a lot to work with at first. I suspect that this would be a deck therapists could use in talk therapy. But I can also see as a Tarot reader how these cards might be a companion oracle to delve further into issues with a querent.
Each round card has a soft pastel-oriented circular mandala design on it with the name of the card written several times around the outside. The designs on the cards are not earth-shaking in their beauty but pleasant enough. However, this is not the point of this deck. The heart of the Cosmic Deck of Initiation seems to be that it offers a set of combinable tools to work with that include Astrology, metaphysics, and cosmic laws. DeLong includes several different types of spreads that can be used with her deck and having tried a couple of them I can tell a lot of thought and experience was used in their design, not just an off-the-cuff type of spread to fill up a LWB.
Barbara M. DeLong has created a powerful divination oracle with a lot of depth and fascinating possibilities that give us something to think about. I have found them to be truly mind-opening.”
~Kristin Lee-Gray, CTI~
More praise for Barbara DeLong!
An Instant Connection
October 2023
“Once I opened the cards, it was an instant connection. Thank you for such a gift to the world. This beautiful tool will bring so much healing and growth to humanity. Thank you again. Blessings.”
Kuala Lumpur
“I passed through Kuala Lumpur recently and met up with a buddy of mine who is a Buddhist teacher and a reiki person (and interested in some new age things). He had (though couldn’t recall where) heard of you. So I guess the sun never sets on your empire :-).”
A Wonderful Feeling in My Heart
“Thank you so much for everything. Each time I look at my Mandala I get a wonderful feeling in my heart.”
Blessed by the Beauty
“We all continue to be blessed by the beauty and opening energy of the Mandela’s. I am slowly reading and digesting the children’s readings. They have reminded be that indeed with all the children I consciously called in a higher spirit.”
This is Something Unique!
“Since I have been able to read my Mandala reading I realize this is something unique! In glancing through I thought it was similar to other readings and I was wrong. Some ideas are similar, but this is special.”
You Blessed Every Soul Present
In response to a workshop – “You are Magic”… “It was a chance for God to remind us how wonderful we are of the unique potential shining behind each star. For when you drew our auras and showed what you could see you blessed every soul present by encouraging its individuality. As people left they were smiling, full of life, reaching for the stars. Thank you for sharing your gifts. Because of you, we will share ours.”
Light of the Path
“I am grateful that you have put your talent to the use of helping to further the light of the path of those who walk – The Way.”
Joy! Thrill! Challenge! Peace! Love!
“Words cannot fully express my feelings about your talent and your expression of that talent for others. Joy! Thrill! Challenge! Peace! Love of myself! Love for you and God’s expression through you! Just a few thoughts.”
New Perspectives
“I have loved using the Mandala as a centering for meditation and have gained new perspectives. Thank you for that gift.”
They are my Friends!
“I saw your cards and just had to have them! This morning I sat down with them … they are my friends! Tears came to my eyes as I looked at each one, tears of recognition, happiness …home. I see some familiarity in these patterns. When I shut my eyes, laying in the dark before I go to sleep.”
Filled with Love …
“Wow!, I listened to your tape last night, which by the way was filled with love, spiritual peace, and great stuff. He’s alive – I believe you now! {her husband} In spite of the fact that I was told he would pass over Sept/Oct it’s December and we are working on building our marriage … I called to thank you personally but you were away so I decided to write you. With your love and help, I think I’m on the way to total recovery.”
I Love Them!
“First, let me be vague but enthusiastic about your cards …I love them!”
A Soft, Warm, Loving, Wise Place
“I found the cards caused an easy connection with a place that I can only call at this time, my higher self or perhaps just one of the better suburbs of my imagination …a soft and warm and loving, wise place.”
Beyond the Words
“I found the communication between the cards and your explanations to be beyond the words expresses or my ‘real’ knowledge of the colors of your cards.”
I Love Working with Your Deck
“I wanted to write you to tell you I love working with your deck. They are so beneficial in that land beyond words, or a place that I am not at this time accustomed to writing from or speaking from, I can only explain their benefit in indirect ways ..No less than that I can feel it but not wrap words around the feelings yet.”
Indeed Effective
“I am sure your cards have touched many people as they are indeed effective.”
Knowledge and Guidance
“This evening I used The Cosmic Deck of Initiation and feel that I have received much color, energy, love and healing from them as well as knowledge and guidance.”
Excellent Teaching Aid
“These cards are an excellent teaching aid as well as a divinatory tool. They can introduce concepts to people unfamiliar with spirituality in an easy and direct way.”
Precious Time and Energy
“I hold you very dear in my heart for all your kindness, your precious time and energy, you have shared with me. Giving more light on my path, sometimes dark … Thank you”
Beautiful, Magical Cards!
“Wow! Your Cosmic deck of Initiation is completely inspired! These are beautiful, magical cards! I am touched and honored and in awe of this precious kaleidoscope of divine genius…”
Genuine, Kind and Sincere
“Barbara is a very genuine, kind, and sincere person with some very specialized abilities of tuning into this kind of life planning stuff (my words not hers) and I have no hesitation recommending her to folks here.”
Deep Resonance of Truth
“As I have oft quoted, “If I hear Truth couched in a Sufi way or a Christian Mystic way or a Psychotherapeutic way or in a Paleontological way or whatever, you know, it’s still a Truth for me.” – Ajahn Viradhammo … and that’s something I firmly believe in … However personally I always tend to have a slightly higher hurdle for anything vaguely new age sounding. However, Barbara’s talk clears any hurdle one can set …in fact, I would go so far as to say it’s the clearest I have heard on current times and it had a deep resonance of truth for me. As I have said at various times I don’t have any superpowers, or healing powers, or ability to walk on water or any such … however I do seem to have a nose for what is the “Right Stuff” …the real deal.”
Great Spiritual Talk
“Barbara’s talk is the opposite of Blackboard fingernails …a felt sense that here indeed is someone speaking deep truth … Writing a lot recently I have been thinking of how folks revere dead sages but get lost trying to understand what they may have meant. But there are live sages too …and the good thing about live sages is that they are as wise as the dead ones were but if you don’t understand you can email them and ask these days (or in Barbara’s case phone in and ask a Q “on air”) and in Barbara’s case one can have a one-to-one session even. So check out the live sages dudes! Listen to her show for a great spiritual talk.”
A Wonderful Mentor
“Barbara did a month to month reading for me and has each month thus far, been right on. She is always willing to lend a hand, and in my case, she has been a wonderful mentor for some of my business aspects.”
Importance of Fun and Laughter
“I had a really useful call with Barbara on Friday and she turned me back on to the importance of fun and laughter. Also helped me reconnect with some of the positive reasons I do what I do at the moment. Looking forward to living what came out of it.”
Truly Amazing
“I just wanted to send you a quick message to thank you for all your guidance. Your spiritual gifts are truly amazing. You have given me several readings from blog talk radio. I am the homeless girl in Chicago. Your insight the other day gave me clues and hope. Thank you for everything. You have made a big difference for me and given me a reason to keep going. May god bless you. I think I found the place you were describing. Bless u Barbra! Love Xoxo”
Love Your Sense of Humor & Laughter Too!
September 2016 – “Dearest Barbara, Thank you so much for your reading for ‘Vicki from Colorado’. You & Jen are wonderful & inspiring, you confirmed/affirmed my sense of things that are going on. I am dying, but as you said, no date stamp. I want to continue to live & grow spiritually through this part of Life as I transition to the next great adventure. Love your sense of humor & laughter too! I’m excited to explore your website & learn more. Many, many blessings & Namaste’ “
I Will Always be Grateful
“I always return to where I have felt welcomed…. like @ your show, and with Jeannie, on Patrick and your Matrix show. Sometimes who and what I like feels differently towards me and empathy is a clearer language than just tying words together. I will always be grateful to you and thankful for the consideration you’ve shown me. Some groups are exclusive and excluding of others. I like many people, especially sensitive people, and had the privilege of meeting some on Chris’ show, during the months when I listened and tried to participate. Best wishes to you and everyone in the Community. :)) and always, my gratitude for your unwavering support.”
An Uplifting and Peaceful Experience
“Barbara’s reading was an uplifting and peaceful experience which really helped me look at and make changes to areas in my life I felt very stuck. She is funny, compassionate, wise, kind, helpful, and very genuine. Her light shines through. Thank you Barbara!
She is Brilliant and Talented
November 3, 2013 – “This kind, caring, funny woman will turn a skeptic into a believer. This is not a woman who does cold readings. You better listen close, record, or write down whatever info Barb gives you. She will give you a reading so fast and with so much insight it will carry you on for years to come. She is brilliant and talented. I Love her especially when she is on Chris’s Show called Curious Times on Blog Talk Radio.”
Your Work is Wonderful
“Ms. DeLong, A huge thank you for taking my call on Curious Times Blog Talk Radio almost 2 weeks ago. You hit right on about aliens and I was or am one from a past life. Your work is wonderful and I Just want to let you know how very much I appreciated your time. I was the last call. My 1st radio reading was just a week before on astrology (because I didn’t say anything but the place I was born and my birthday) so I am glad I got the nerve to call. Appreciated your time… Thank you so much, and many blessings.”
I’m Your Cheerleader!
March 2016 – “I keep forgetting to tune in, but that first one you did there was so amazing. There is no one like you. Just think even how many more gifts you will get this year added to what you already do. The best teacher on these radio shows I’ve heard and I’ve heard the best. Even the best would agree that Barbara Delong is for real true and true always allowing spirit to come through and not judging or making people feel like less. I’m your cheerleader today. Lol”
She is Truly Gifted
January 15, 2012 – “Barbara is a highly experienced spiritual empath. I have experienced her readings as well as worked with her. Barbara’s approach is straightforward, yet always compassionate. She is able to provide accurate detail and insight, and delivers each reading with confidence. She is truly gifted.”
I Felt Energized and Inspired
December 28, 2011 – “A family member referred Barbara DeLong to me when I was searching for insight into my path in life. I was not sure what to expect when she did the reading, but after being on with her for half an hour – I wanted to hear more! I felt energized and inspired after receiving a reading by her. She made me feel comfortable and any question I had she answered with extreme confidence. I loved my reading and look forward to my next reading with Barbara!”
Rated as A+++!
January 10, 2012 – “If you are looking for a high-quality professional reader, look no further than Barbara. She has been a reader at my fairs at ctpsychics.com for over 20 years. The quality of her readings, her popularity, her ability to tune in and sense of how to express the information is rated as A+++! She is both an artist in this field in an artist in practice. Wait until you have seen her unique mandalas. Wait until you get a reading from her. Will you be impressed and satisfied? You bet!”
Truly in Awe of Her Gifts!
January 10, 2012 – “I can’t say enough about the peace and balance that Barbara passes to you even in just one reading. Her accuracy is amazing and her ability to positively help you find the right path even in the most bad situations. I felt such a connection with her in one reading. She knew exactly what was going on in my life. More importantly, I brought 2 close friends to her who just had sudden losses. The love and peace they felt after her readings is priceless. I am truly in awe of her gifts!”
A High-Caliber Reader
January 11, 2012 – “My wife and I own a business called A Healing Hand, part of which is devoted to putting on events like psychic fairs. Barbara has been a popular reader at our events, consistently getting positive feedback, and even hosts what we call “Psychic Mediumship Spirit Circles” after the fairs. This is a gallery-style mediumship session with a group and this, too, has consistently gotten positive reviews. We love having a high-caliber reader like Barbara at our events! www.ahealinghand.net”
She is One of the Best!
January 11, 2012 – “Barbara Delong is in my perspective ‘the real deal.’ I have had readings from Barbara Delong on her show “Night Light,” on Blog Talk Radio and have been floored at her accuracy but more so with her compassion and integrity with no judgment. Her amazing book “Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom” sheds light on life’s situations wrapped up in poems unlike any book I’ve read. I find myself reflecting back on words spoken countless times and recommend her book as a must-read. She is one of the best!”
An Accurate Reading
February 1, 2012 – “Thank you, Barbara, for such an accurate reading. I just had my first reading with Barbara on January 22. I look forward to seeing her every time she comes to our area. Why did it take so long for us to meet? You have a new follower, Barbara, and thank you.”
Called in a Higher Spirit
“We all continue to be blessed by the beauty and opening energy of the Mandela’s. I am slowly reading and digesting the children’s readings. They have reminded me that indeed with all the children I consciously called in a higher spirit.”
This is Special
“Since I have been able to read my Mandala reading, I realize this is something unique! In glancing through I thought it was similar to other readings and I was wrong. Some ideas are similar, but this is special.”
Rang True to My Soul
September 2013 – “I just want to thank you for the clear reading. It all rang true to my soul. It is what I needed to bring the “joy” back and be centered again and follow the next direction, which is in channeling music for people. In fact, I’m beginning to play every day as I hear notes in my head.”
Amazed at the Accuracy
December 2013 – “I had a reading from you in the late 80’s and was amazed at the accuracy of your reading. However, I did not fully believe in your assessment of my life. It has come to fruition in all the information that you provided and I remember. I am currently stuck and would greatly appreciate your insight.”
A Brilliant Lightworker
December 2013 – “Thank you so much for sharing your journey with the Universe, as I have been a great admirer of your Blog Talk Radio shows. You are a remarkable Spiritual teacher and a brilliant Lightworker. A few months ago I had the chance to speak with you via your radio show just to get a mini-reading regarding my Spiritual endeavors. It was a remarkable and unforgettable experience. The quality of your mini-reading via the airwaves was impressive and spot on. Just to keep you updated everything that you had detailed has materialized. So here I am each day living to serve God in any Divine capacity.”
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