Press Kit

Barbara’s Biography – Short Version

Barbara has been a seeker of the mysteries of spirituality and a practitioner for over half a century, at least that’s what she’ll admit to.  During that time, she has become an internationally known podcast host on her show, Night-Light Radio, an author, artist, lecturer, ordained minister, and documentarian.  She painted the Cosmic Deck of Initiation, a hand-painted deck of Mandala Oracle cards to be used for private divination and spiritual growth, and wrote the handbook, How to use the Cosmic Deck of Initiation.  Her website, is a teaching site combining personal information and a plethora of spiritual material, intended to supply insight and light, laughter, and love for all those seeking their own personal pathway within the spiritual spheres.



Barbara’s Biography – Long Version

Barbara is an internationally known radio/pod-cast host, spiritual empath, author, artist, lecturer, reiki master, and ordained minister.  She has been working professionally in the spiritual field since the early 70’s.In the early 80’s she began painting personal mandalas and creating the life readings that accompanied them, with over 500 now in personal collections all over the world.  These individual paintings evolved into a circular oracle deck which became known as the Cosmic of Initiation, originally published by U.S. games in 1991 and currently re-published by Dimensionfold Publishing along with the handbook, How to use the Cosmic Deck of Initiation, in 2023.


Barbara’s website,,  was launched in 2007, and intended to be a teaching site providing a platform for radio shows, spiritual insight, and information on a plethora of unique topics and is always evolving into current areas as the spirit moves.  This website continues to grow, and new areas are always expanding as Barbara’s area of interest explores new horizons.


In October of 2009, Night-Light Radio was launched and is intended to be just that in a time when many are awakening to the gifts and talents that they carry within.  Her interviews with authors and gifted individuals help others to gain insight into themselves as well as the reality in which we dwell.  She provides a platform for many to share the truths they have uncovered and the insights that can change our perception of the world in which we live.

Currently, Night-Light Radio has evolved into an interview show for authors who are providing material that expands awareness and insight to the evolving spirit of humanity in countless different areas.  These are two-hour interviews that focus on areas of new philosophies and discoveries that influence the spiritual aspect of our lives.  The show covers everything from history, self-help, religious concepts, archaeology, and any topic that can expand our awareness of the purpose of our journeys through time and space.  Barbara has done numerous radio and television shows and conventions as well.


In 2011, Secrets of the Stones, a documentary Barbara wrote, narrated, and co-produced with her late husband, Patrick Cooke, was presented at the Megalithomania Conference.  This documentary drew attention to the stone walls and fences that litter the northeast countryside, the creators of which have been lost in the mists of time.  These chambers and walls have more or less flown under the radar and are in great danger of being erased from the archeology of the area and their place in history.

Also in 2011, Eugene Botha, a documentary producer from South Africa, contacted Barbara and her husband Patrick Cooke, and asked if they would be a part of a production he was currently filming.  It was presented in 2012 in South Africa and was very well received.  Issues of Faith – UFO’s Aliens & Religion.

Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom – was first published in 2011 and then reissued again in 2023.  This is a book of poetry along with short spiritual insights mixed in for good measure.  This book is a collection of poetry from material written over the years and collected by Patrick Cooke from Barbara’s material and was intended to be yet another way to share spiritual information with others.


In 2023 Barbara Co-authored, Before Rosewell the secret history of UFO’s, with author and publisher Ken Goudsward.  This book covers UFO sightings that occurred before Rosewell and follows back in history sightings that reach as far back as 270,000 years BC.

This year also saw the publication of the handbook for the Cosmic Deck of Initiation, How to use the Cosmic Deck of Initiation, this is the long-awaited handbook for the deck and greatly expands on the meaning of the cards and additional information on spiritual aspects to help individuals as they progress along their personal pathways and discover deeper meanings within their own inner truths.


Barbara's Websites:


Books by Barbara:

  • Whispers of Spiritual Wisdom - link
  • Before Roswell - link
  • How to use the Cosmic Deck of Initiation - link



  • Secrets of the Stones - link
  • Issues of Faith – UFO’s, Aliens & Religion - link


Social Media:


For any other specific information not presented here on the website, please feel free to contact Barbara at

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