Are You a Parrot or a Prophet?

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For those of us in the spiritual fields and seeking enlightenment and wisdom there are at least two distinct pathways we can take; we can either be a parrot or a prophet. We read, we seek, we take classes, we study philosophy – but it’s what we do with all that information that determines what role we play. There are many who pride themselves in all they have read and are able to quote chapter and verse of many ancient texts and the wisdom’s of philosophers long since blended into the light … these are the parrots, ones who just repeat what others have learned and shared.


Usually there is no independent thought just rote memory and the ability to bring forth someone else’s wisdom’s. Then there are the prophets…those who do all of the above but instead of quoting ancient wisdom’s they incorporate those wisdom’s into their experiences of the current time frame, they blend the new with the old and bring forth an evolved version that speaks to the current time. These prophets build on the foundations laid down by past generations and evolve truth and wisdom adding their own to greatly enrich and expand into the future. Parrot is easy, prophet requires that you put independent thought and inspiration into your philosophies – So which are you?