Lower Your Barriers

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When barriers have been lowered, there is a greater expanse of potential. Where there were areas when you saw no openings for growth, where there were no options or choices, where you felt claustrophobic, now, there is freedom to be yourself and express what is within you. There is suddenly freedom for growth and potentials seem limitless. A shadow has been withdrawn and the light now shines on all manner of choices and chances to expand your realities and consciousness. It is a time of freedom to be and become what you have dreamed of. The gates to the future are wide open and you are free to stretch yourself and to grow into the potential that has rested within for so long. Your vision for your future expands and the potentials are limitless. Allow yourselves to grow and reach for the stars; for that is indeed the legacy left to you by generations of your souls development. Freedom of spirit is yours and you need only claim it and embrace it for it to become an integral part of your reality.