Universal Energies

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Universal energies draw us closer together. We are drawn towards understanding, each on their own level of consciousness, to the ones that we represent, while gathering wisdom and weaving it into the fabric of our very souls. All have hidden talents, or gifts, brought forth from lifetimes past. They choose their own moments in an evolution to present themselves and if we give them the channels to manifest, they can greatly enrich the experience we encounter. Just because you never painted, or wrote, doesn’t mean you can’t, it just means you haven’t yet. Remember, that if something gives you joy it doesn’t matter what others think, (as long as it isn’t illegal). The universe is flowing with creativity, so each will find there are new and even interesting ways to use this energy. If, you decide to join the flow, you will not regret it, for it brings joy and ebullience into your life that will become a part of your reality, and give you laughter in places you never expected.