The Right Way

The Right Way


The Right Thing, In the Right Way, At the Right Time


          All of us have been faced with difficult situations, obstacles that need to be delt with, confusing dilemmas that feel like they box us in with no way out, relationships that break our hearts and choices that offer no door to freedom.  You most probably have not been faced with all of these, but at least one or two, and the first thing we do is to solicit advice from almost everyone who will listen, at least briefly.  And most probably you have been on both sides of this situation.  But there is one more problem here.  When you ask others for advice all they can give you is based on their own frame of reference, and in turn when you give advice all you can base your opinion on is your frame of reference …. And usually, those perspectives have no relevance to the problem that is being experienced.

          When we incarnate into this dimension, encoded into our DNA, when the spirit entered the physical, are the elements that are to be worked on this cycle.  These challenges and dilemmas that are attracted to you are for you to learn and grow from, they are different for each of us and the elements that we draw from them trigger awareness on different levels for each of us as well.

          If you give advice, in a way you are responsible for someone to not learn what is of great importance to them, in a way you prevent them from learning and growing, as well as ignoring your own challenges and not growing yourself.  Compassion is wonderful and supportive, advice on the other hand in many ways slows both from growing and evolving and gathering the wisdoms needed for the evolution of the spirit carried within.


  1. Gregg Migliore on November 26, 2022 at 10:52 pm

    This is a great post … Thank you!

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