Awaken the Past

B - 13

You find yourself drawn to the past. Revisiting in your memories, ones who are no longer here and times that have changed greatly. The past holds warm smiles for you and there is always a feeling of a need to reconnect with those who you have lost contact with. A good idea for it grounds you and gives you a better feeling of where you came from. You revisit old homes and places where you grew up, in memory if not in reality. You recapture the feeling of youth and its infinite possibilities. This reawakens within you some of the dreams that had been put aside as you grew. They are still there and still awaiting your efforts to make them happen. Nothing is impossible, there is always a way if you but seek it with creative imagination. After all even adults play and make believe from time to time. It takes us back to the wonders of childhood and brings healing laughter into our energies.