

No matter how great the wisdoms you gather, it is only when they become a part of you and are manifest through your expression within your reality that they truly become precious.  It is not until  they become greater than the words that express them and a part of your impact upon your reality that they are a gift not only to you but everything and every one that shares your energy.  You become the lesson instead of teaching it.


  1. Gregg Migliore on January 9, 2024 at 2:05 pm

    This is so true. Too often we think that knowing is wisdom, but with some years under my belt I have come to understand exactly what you are saying. It isn’t until that knowledge, based in truth, becomes part of my very being that it becomes wisdom.
    Thank you Barbara for this insight!

  2. Barbara DeLong on January 9, 2024 at 5:43 pm

    Thanks so much glad you liked it.

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