What If …


What if…

That Consciousness we refer to as the Source of all creation, The Divine energy that inspires and enlightens, that entity that is beyond human comprehension and description …what if that Divine Source was a multidimensional aspect that encompassed all that is and all that ever will be on a multidimensional level, touching and inspiring each dimension that is unique to the indigenous occupants of that dimension.

What if …

Each dimension embraced a different level of consciousness and that the perception of the Divine Source took on aspects that those within that dimension were able to relate to and embrace.  Being a source of light and inspiration to those within that dimension the Divine Source would serve different aspects of the needs of the indigenous occupants… being a different dimension the consciousness in each would be of a unique and special application.  Always The Divine source would inspire and open each to wisdom appropriate to that dimension.  Always the indigenous would find a name and meaning to the source and often legends and myths to explain the etheric non-corporal influence that flowed from that aspect within each individual and the very existence of that dimension.

What if …

The levels of consciousness of those in each unique dimension would be as different as the environment and cultures that would be present.  Different gifts and powers would be available in each dimension and the inspiration and wisdom would be reflected in the societies, cultures, and cosmologies that would be developed. 

What if …

Each unique dimension represents a different level of consciousness.  Those within these dimensions only have access to those levels of consciousness within themselves. Ergo, those within a three-dimensional reality will only have access to the concept of three-dimensional aspects and conspectus … even though there are countless other levels of consciousness available to them if they are able to reach beyond the limitations of their dimensions.  Knowing there are levels beyond reality and believing in them are two different aspects … when one really believes beyond reality it opens the portal to infinity.

What if…

The energetics of the dimensions are separated for good reasons, the consciousness of the indigenous occupant’s flow in different patterns and waves and often there would be more than a language difference that would have to be overcome.  The spiritual perspectives would differ greatly and the abilities to utilize the gifts that the consciousness opens to the individuals would differ greatly as well.

What if …

There were unique individuals who could not only see but visit the different dimensions … opening and blending into the different perspectives and gathering wisdom and knowledge from each.  What if there were those who had a greater understanding of the different dimensions and were able to flow at will into the different areas.  What if the purpose and meaning of the Divine Source was broader and more expansive than even human consciousness could grasp…and yet, what if, though it changed all concepts of the Divine now held, it opened one up to the true meaning of the cosmic journey all are traveling and  provided a link to that Divine source that provides the portal to all dimensions and the consciousness to share and become one family throughout time.