Those with closed minds are not open to potential growth and enlightenment

Those with closed minds are not open to potential growth and enlightenment

There are those individuals who are so set in their ways and philosophies that they are missing out on the wonder and excitement of expansion and growth.  Often dogma, when taught at a young age creates barriers which prevents new thoughts and philosophies from expanding awareness and opening potentials for growth. Frequently very intelligent individuals are unable to lower those walls established at a young age, and so are restricted from examining possibilities that have been exposed by time.

Those who are open to change and willing to listen to new ideas continue to grow and stretch in all aspects of their awareness and to build on the foundations that were created when they were younger. We are here to learn, to expand awareness and to stretch into new thoughts and understandings of the journey we now walk.  Try not to be limited by ancient thoughts and philosophies but rather use them as your foundations and reach for the stars.

Nothing is ever set in stone – Life and wisdom are always growing and stretching- grow with them and celebrate new thoughts and understanding of your purpose and destinies.

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