The Greatest Gift


The Greatest Gift

   Money’s short, time is frantic, food prices out of sight, fuel costs are even more extreme … and, oh yes, and the holidays are fast approaching.  That time when gifting looms over us.  Panic sets in, how do we spread ourselves thin enough to give an appropriate gift to all of those on our list and at the same time pay all of our bills, eat three meals a day and not fall behind in those everyday bills that keep us warm and electrified?  No matter the times, this challenge cycles around every year, and no matter how well you plan for it, it always seems to arrive when we aren’t really ready for it.  Caught up in materialism the sweat begins to gather with the arrival of Halloween and keeps on going till the new year dawns and one of our resolutions is ultimately “Next year I’ll be more prepared”,  Good luck on that one!

   Giving gifts, Finding something appropriate and meaningful for those who are nearest and dearest id often a challenge, especially when funds are tight and the economy a challenge.  I fall into the same rut that many of you do, and as I pondered the dilemma this year yet again, I remembered that with my Grandmother and Mother after their passing, we found what could be called memory boxes full of those mementos that were precious to them.  For the most part they were filled with cards and letters, some questionable art work from very young hands, objects that had no value but were reminders of precious moments.  You see, it wasn’t those gifts that cost the most that were treasured but the thoughts that went into the gifts themselves.  It reminded me that the greatest gift we can give to someone, that costs absolutely nothing,  is our time.  To spend time sharing the past, to listening to their stories, I mean fully listen to them that will be remembered and treasured.

   The greatest gift we have to give is time, to share and listen.  No one knows haw many moments we are allotted in life, so to spend some of that time just being present and listening is absolutely priceless and a true gift.  I have a treasure box myself and in it so far are cards and letters, artwork from very young hands and dried flowers from friends long gone. 

   The art of letter writing is a craft that is rapidly disappearing.  Take the time to put thoughts and memories into an actual letter and it may well make it into someone’s memory box.  We have come to depend on text messages and emojis, and emails to communicate so often and they fade from view in a scroll.  Take pen, or pencil into hand and take the time to actually write your thoughts and feelings down on paper to those who you hold close and spend time instead of money.  I promise the return of this investment will earn you a greater return on your investment.


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