Spiritual Passions

Spiritual Passions

     Everyone has personal passions in their lives that fuel and energize them. Our passions often alter over time to reflect our direction and the destiny that calls to us. These personal passions are what provide us with joy and the creative outlets that open us to the spiritual energies that move our lives along. These are the areas of life that give us joy and solace, a place to go within ourselves for strength when we need it and healing when it is appropriate. Everyone is different and their personal passions are unique to their level of consciousness, spiritual awareness and destiny pathway.

We enter each lifetime preprogrammed with passions that will lead us into the most appropriate directions for evolution and abundance.  These are often talents that have been developed in past lifetimes that are open to be applied to this life for further development. As very young children these are the directions that call to us, giving us hints as to what talents and skills would be the easiest to draw upon. Sadly, often teachers, parents and culture direct us in ways that are not as spiritually or emotionally supportive of our spiritual growth. Those who find their passions and allow them to open the creative channels for the spiritual energies to flow through and manifest within reality are those who have full and abundant lives that are blessed by the eternal light ever seeking entrance to the physical reality.

Within us these passions quietly drift, awaiting the call for manifestation.  Often they flow in unusual directions but always they indicate new and unique areas that will add to the quality of your lifetime.  With every lifetime there are inner passions that can be creativity utilized to further enhance the light that is carried within.  Another wonderful quality to the passions that we carry within, they also carry within themselves additional love, light and laughter … qualities we can never have enough of.  Look for them, embrace them and watch for the magic to happen.


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