Akashic Records


Akashic Records

In theosophy and anthroposophy, the akashic records (from akasha, the Sanskrit word for ‘sky’ ‘space’ or ‘æther’) are a compendium of mystical knowledge supposedly encoded in a non-physical plane of existence known as the astral plane. There is no scientific evidence for the Akashic records.

History of Akashic Records

Those who champion the truth of the Akashic Records assert that they were accessed by ancient people of various cultures, including the Indians, Moors, Tibetans, Bonpo and other peoples of the Himalaya, Egyptians, Persians, Chaldeans, Greeks, Chinese, Hebrews, Christians, Druids and Mayans. It is held that the ancient Indian sages of the Himalayas knew that each soul, jiva, atma, or entity recorded every moment of its existence in a “book”, and that if one attuned oneself properly then one could access that book (refer mindstream for example).

Nostradamus claimed to have gained access to the Akasha, using methods derived from the Greek oracles, Christian and Sufi mysticism, and the Kabbalah. Other individuals who claim to have consciously used the Akashic Records include: Charles Webster Leadbeater, Annie Besant, Alice Bailey, Samael Aun Weor, William Lilly, Manly P. Hall, Lilian Treemont, Dion Fortune, George Hunt Williamson, Rudolf Steiner, Max Heindel and Edgar Cayce amongst others.

A Chinese man named Sujujin was reported to need only the first name of anyone to access the Akasha and describe their life history. Another Chinese seer, named Tajao, explored a variety of topics in the Records which span over two thousand years.

In Surat Shabda Yoga cosmology, the Akashic Records would be located within the causal plane of Trikuti.

The concept of the Akashic Records has been referred to in every spiritual tradition on the planet. In the Bible, it is referred to as the Book of Life. The Akashic Records are also referred to as the Cosmic Mind or Universal Mind, as well as the Eye of God and the Word of God. References to the Akashic Records, or the eternal Book of Life, date back to antiquity. References in the Old Testament and beyond give us the sense that there is a collective storehouse of knowledge that is written on the fabric of reality.

The energy that contains the information in the Akashic Records is called Akasha, which is a Sanskrit term meaning “primary substance.” This is the energy that makes up everything in the Universe. It is the energy of love. In Hindu mysticism Akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles of fire, air, earth, and water, are created. Every vibration that occurs in the Universe through our thoughts, words, and deeds creates an indelible imprint on the Akasha, leaving an energetic recording of every soul and every creation.

The word, Akasha, is derived from two ancient Tibetan or northern Indian words. “Aka” means space, storage place, or repository, and “Sa” means sky, hidden, or secret. A simple translation of “Akasha” is “an unseen space or storage place.” The Akashic Records are, then, a hidden library of records imprinted on the subtle space of the Akasha. The Akashic Records are believed to have existed since the beginning of the time-space continuum of planet Earth.

The akashic records (akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “sky”, “space” or “aether”) is a term used in theosophy (and Anthroposophy) to describe a compendium of (mystical) knowledge encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. These records contain all knowledge of human experience and the history of the cosmos. They are metaphorically described as a library; other analogies commonly found in discourse on the subject include a “universal supercomputer” and the “Mind of God”. People who describe the records assert that they are constantly updated automatically and that they can be accessed through astral projection or when someone is placed under deep hypnosis. The concept was popularized in the theosophical movements of the 19th century and is derived from Hindu philosophy of Samkhya. It is promulgated in the Samkhya philosophy that the Akashic records are automatically recorded in the atoms of akasha (“air” or “aether”), one of the five types of atoms visualized as existing in the atomic theory of Ancient India.


Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “sky”, “space” or “æther”, and it entered the language of theosophy through H. P. Blavatsky, who characterized it as a sort of life force; she also referred to “indestructible tablets of the astral light” recording both the past and future of human thought and action, but she did not use the term “akashic”. The notion of an akashic record is attributed to Alfred Percy Sinnett, who, in his book Esoteric Buddhism (1884), wrote of a Buddhist belief in “a permanency of records in the Akasa” and “the potential capacity of man to read the same.” By C. W. Leadbeater’s Clairvoyance (1899) the association of the term with the idea was complete, and he identified the akashic records by name as something a clairvoyant could read.

The akashic records are in the Hall of Records, located in the akashic plane of the universe, an etheric plane. These planes are distant energy fields that we can access through the depths of our minds. Our inner mind can access them because we, along with these fields, are made up of the same cosmic energy. However, it takes work and training from the slower 3 dimensional physical reality we are in today to access the higher vibrational frequencies of these states of reality. Brief experiences of intuition are subconscious forms of momentary awareness of our akashic records (without us aware of the “viewing”)leading us to making the right choice or decision (if we follow our intuition).

Reality is a consciousness hologram. The Akashic Records refer to the matrix of consciousness programs that create our reality within that hologram. One could look upon it as a library of light wherein one can access all information.
The Akashic Records are understood to have existed since the beginning of The Creation and even before. Just as we have various specialty libraries (e.g., medical, law), there are said to exist various Akashic Records (e.g., human, animal, plant, mineral, etc) encoding Universal lore. Most writings refer to the Akashic Records in the area of human experience but it is understood that all phenomenal experience as well as transcendental knowledge is encoded therein.

Description and Explanation of the Akashic records

The Akasha is said to be the library of all events and responses concerning consciousness in all realities. Every lifeform therefore contributes and has access to the Akashic Records. It is asserted that to gain access into the Akashic Records, every individual human can become the physical medium, and various techniques and spiritual disciplines (e.g., yogic, pranayama, meditation, prayer, visualization) can be employed to quiet the mind, become a “witness”, and achieve the focused, preconscious state necessary to access the Records.

While accessing the Akashic Records, both the events and responses are said to be perceived. This is analogous to having a meta-enhanced cinematic experience. When accessing the future, the events are known, but the responses are only probable. Based on an individual’s responses in the past, the Akashic seer/reader can investigate probable future responses and give the highest future probability. A simple illustration of this might be witnessing several alternate endings to the main characters in a movie (e.g., Run, Lola, Run). At some point in the evolution of the Akashic reader, however, a state of unification and awareness can be achieved whereby even the future responses are known with absolute clarity instead of only as a probability.

Accounts of purported akashic access

Readings of the akashic record were central to theosophist writings, but also appear in writings of other related figures. Among the former, Leadbeater’s book Man: How, Whence, and Whither. claims to record the history of Atlantis and other civilizations as well as the future society of Earth in the 28th century. Rudolf Steiner referred to the Akashic Records and reported about Atlantis, Lemuria, the evolution of man and earth, et cetera.

Alice A. Bailey wrote in her book Light of the Soul on The Yoga Sutras of Patanjali – Book 3 – Union achieved and its Results:
“The akashic record is like an immense photographic film, registering all the desires and earth experiences of our planet. Those who perceive it will see pictured thereon: The life experiences of every human being since time began, the reactions to experience of the entire animal kingdom, the aggregation of the thought-forms of a karmic nature (based on desire) of every human unit throughout time. Herein lies the great deception of the records. Only a trained occultist can distinguish between actual experience and those astral pictures created by imagination and keen desire.”

Levi H. Dowling’s Aquarian Gospel of Jesus the Christ offers a version of the youth of Jesus Christ ostensibly based upon akashic record material.
In The Law of One, Book I, a book purported to contain conversations with a channeled “social memory complex” known to humans as Ra, when the questioner asks where Edgar Cayce received his information, the answer received is, “We have explained before that the intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or octave. The one sound vibratory complex called Edgar used this gateway to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term your peoples have used for this is the “Akashic Record” or the “Hall of Records”.”

What are the Akashic Records?

The Akashic Records refer to a database of every word, thought or action that is stored energetically and encoded in a non-physical plane of existence. They are said to contain the information of every Soul or Being in the cosmos. The Records are continually updated, with each new thought, word or action that every Soul or entity makes. The Akashic Records therefore contain the energetic prints about the origination and journey of every Soul through its lifetimes. They connect each of us to one another.

Akasha is a Sanskrit word meaning “sky”, “space” or “aether”. To aid in visualization, most describe the Akashic Records metaphorically as a library. Others likened it to be a “Universal Computer”, the “Mind of God”, the Cosmic or Collective Consciousness, the Collective Unconscious or the Collective Subconscious. Akashic Records is not physically an out-there thing. It is the speck of divinity within us that allows us to access the field of the Akashic Records.

Anything about the Universe has an energetic record. The records of your Soul are located via your full name at birth and birth date of this current lifetime. They are embedded with information about your previous lifetimes, your Soul Origination, current life lessons and your purpose, and also about future choice points.

The soul’s journey in self awareness is undertaken through a cause and effect process. You are constantly presented with opportunities to meet Self and to apply spiritual principles in the physical world. You will meet with lessons that will be provided again and again, until you have gained mastery.

How Are Akashic Records Accessed?

The records are accessed through being in a deep state of relaxation or meditation. Anyone can have the same access to the Akashic Records. It is like having an internet access to the same database of information.
In reality, no special powers or abilities are needed to get into the Akashic Records. The same records are accessible by the subconscious mind, through dreams, intuitive and esoteric exercises. However, a cluttered mind, ego, little connection with one’s Higher Self and a lack of trust in one’s divine power are hindrances that an Akashic Record reader needs to overcome first. It is only when there is complete harmony between the conscious, subconscious or superconscious that Truth from the Akashic Records can be determined.

Famous Akashic Record Reader

One of the most famous of Akashic Record readers is the late American psychic Edgar Cayce (1877-1945). He has been called the “sleeping prophet,” the “father of holistic medicine,” and is about the most documented psychic of the 20th century. He has done readings on more than 10,000 topics!

Other famous personalities who have accessed the Akashic Records include Nostradamus, Quatzlcoatl, Rudolph Steiner, Mary Baker Eddy and Emmanuel Swedenbord.

Readings from the Akashic Records

We read the Akashic Records from the Now Time Line. All about the past, present and future is brought into the “Now” to be read. We get a glimpse into the journey and the path of a Soul through the Universe. A reading into your Akashic Records is to let your Soul have a voice. We can identify what past traumas and obstructions there are that have left an energetic imprint. By doing so, we exercise the grace and intent to release them.

Soul Realignment is indeed a powerful way to raise your energy vibrations. It is an important key to being Spiritually Whole. Your Being walks in greater awareness from the time you have your Akashic Records read. It is less important to know who you have once been. Of greater significance, it is who you are in the process of becoming. The past and a sense of who you are at Soul level provides a framework of information with which to work. What you ultimately do with the knowledge is still a matter of free will and choice.

For each lifetime, you undergo experiences which would enable your soul to connect back to the Divine. The ultimate benefit of finding out your own Akashic Records is essentially to realize your Oneness with God/The Universe/Spirit.

Why Access The Akashic Records?

There are really three main reasons for accessing the Akashic Records that we focus on in Soul Realignment.  The first reason we access the Akashic Records is to discover more information about the nature of our Soul. We look at where the Soul originates, what energies it is designed to work with in particular, and what specialities it has focused on. All of this information gives us a comprehensive overview of our Soul Purpose for this lifetime … and it is invaluable. After all, we are here to express our Divinity into our human experience. The information contained within the Akashic Records about the nature of our Soul lets us tune into our own Divine nature.

The second reason we access the Akashic Records is to understand how we create our present-life circumstances through our past choices. These may be choices that were made in a past life, or in this lifetime. We are the powerful creators of our own experience, through choice! But every choice has consequences – that’s what karma is all about! And so, at times, we may have made negative choices. Negative choices are choices that create misalignments to our own Divinity. They are choices that do not express who we truly are … that’s what makes them negative. And of course, negative choices have negative consequences, some of which affect us lifetime after lifetime. We access the Akashic Records so that we can understand what choices we made that may be negatively affecting us to this day. We call the energetic consequences of these choices “negative blocks and restrictions.” They literally block and restrict us from accessing our Divine Gifts, and living our purpose.
The Akashic Records are an invaluable tool for researching these past negative choices, because they contain our entire Soul’s history! Which brings me to the final reason we access the Akashic Records – clearing!
It’s one thing to know what past negative choices continue to create negative consequences in our lives today. But when we have conscious understanding of these choices (or help our clients have conscious understanding!) then we can also energetically clear their consequences within the Akashic Records. In other words, we can enter the Akashic Records and energetically clear the blocks and restrictions that are preventing us from accessing our own Divinity.

Through these three aspects of accessing the Akashic Records, we begin to live the expression of our Divinity in our human experience!

Akashic Records—The Book of Life

The Akashic Records or “The Book of Life” can be equated to the universe’s super computer system. It is this system that acts as the central storehouse of all information for every individual who has ever lived upon the earth. More than just a reservoir of events, the Akashic Records contain every deed, word, feeling, thought, and intent that has ever occurred at any time in the history of the world. Much more than simply a memory storehouse, however, these Akashic Records are interactive in that they have a tremendous influence upon our everyday lives, our relationships, our feelings and belief systems, and the potential realities we draw toward us. Awakening to wholeness

Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity – as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed – or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God’s book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul – as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world – either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self towards that which is the ideal manner for the use of time, opportunity and the expression of that for which each soul enters a material manifestation. The interpretation then as drawn here is with the desire and hope that, in opening this for the entity, the experience may be one of helpfulness and hopefulness. Edgar Cayce Reading 1650-1

It is no exaggeration to state that the computer has transformed (and is still in the process of transforming) the entire planet. Whether it’s technology, transportation, communication, education, or entertainment, the computer age has revolutionized the globe and the ways in which we understand and interact with one another. No segment of modern society has gone unaffected. The amount of information now stored in computer memory and crossing the Internet highway daily is literally unfathomable. And yet, this vast complex of computer systems and collective databases cannot begin to come close to the power, the memory, or the omniscient recording capacity of the Akashic Records.

Nebula Spire The Akashic Records contain the entire history of every soul since the dawn of Creation. These records connect each one of us to one another. They contain the stimulus for every archetypal symbol or mythic story which has ever deeply touched patterns of human behavior and experience. They have been the inspiration for dreams and invention. They draw us toward or repel us from one another. They mold and shape levels of human consciousness. They are a portion of Divine Mind. They are the unbiased judge and jury that attempt to guide, educate, and transform every individual to become the very best that she or he can be. They embody an ever-changing fluid array of possible futures that are called into potential as we humans interact and learn from the data that has already been accumulated.

Biblical References: Book of Life

Information about these Akashic Records – this Book of Life – can be found in folklore, in myth, and throughout the Old and New Testaments. It is traceable at least as far back as the Semitic peoples and includes the Arabs, the Assyrians, the Phoenicians, the Babylonians, and the Hebrews. Among each of these peoples was the belief that there was in existence some kind of celestial tablets which contained the history of humankind as well as all manner of spiritual information.
The first reference in Scripture to some unearthly volume is found in Exodus 32:32. After the Israelites had committed a most grievous sin by worshiping the golden calf, it was Moses who pleaded on their behalf, even offering to take full responsibility and have his own name stricken “out of thy book which thou hast written” in recompense for their deed. Later, in the Old Testament, we learn that there is nothing about an individual that is not known in this same book. In Psalm 139, David makes reference to the fact God has written down everything about him and all the details of his life – even that which is imperfect and those deeds which have yet to be performed.

Akashic Records or “The Book of Life” For many individuals this Book of Life is simply an imagery symbol of those destined for heaven and has its roots in the custom of recording genealogical records of names or perhaps early census taking. Traditional religion suggests that this book – either in literal or symbolic form – contains the names of all those who are worthy of salvation. The Book is to be opened in connection with divine judgment (Dan. 7:10, Rev. 20:12). In the New Testament, those redeemed by Christ are contained within the Book (Philippians 4), those not found in the Book of Life will not enter the kingdom of Heaven.
As an interesting corollary, in the ancient world, a person’s name was symbolic of his or her existence. According to Sir James George Frazer, author of The Golden Bough – one of the most extensive volumes on world mythology – there was such a bond between one’s name and one’s existence “that magic may be wrought on a man just as easily as through his name as through his hair, his nails, or any other material part of his person.” In ancient Egypt, to blot a name out of a record was equivalent to destroying the fact that the person had ever even existed.
H.P. Blavatsky and Rudolf Steiner on the Akashic Records

Closer to our current era, a great deal of contemporary information on the Akashic Records has been made available by both reputable psychics and modern-day mystics – individuals who have somehow perceived beyond the limits of three dimensions. According to H.P. [Helena Petrovna] Blavatsky (1831-1891), Russian immigrant, mystic, and founder of the Theosophical Society, the Akashic Records are much more than simply an account of static data which may be gleaned by a sensitive; instead, the records have an ongoing creative stimulus upon the present:

Akasha is one of the cosmic principles and is a plastic matter, creative in its physical nature, immutable in its higher principles. It is the quintessence of all possible forms of energy, material, psychic, or spiritual; and contains within itself the germs of universal creation, which sprout forth under the impulse of the Divine Spirit.

Rudolf Steiner (1861-1925), the Austrian-born philosopher, educator, and founder of the Anthroposophical Society possessed the ability to perceive information beyond the material world: a “spiritual world” which was just as real to him as the physical world was to others. Steiner claimed that the ability to perceive this other world could be developed, enabling an individual to see events and information every bit as concrete as the present:

…man can penetrate to the eternal origins of the things which vanish with time. A man broadens his power of cognition in this way if he is no longer limited to external evidence where knowledge of the past is concerned. Then he can see in events what is not perceptible to the senses, that part which time cannot destroy. He penetrates from transitory to non-transitory history. It is a fact that this history is written in other characters than is ordinary history. In gnosis and in theosophy it is called the “Akasha Chronicle”…To the uninitiated, who cannot yet convince himself of the reality of a separate spiritual world through his own experience, the initiate easily appears to be a visionary, if not something worse. The one who has acquired the ability to perceive in the spiritual world comes to know past events in their eternal character. They do not stand before him like the dead testimony of history, but appear in full life. In a certain sense, what has happened takes place before him.

Edgar Cayce and the Akashic Records

In terms of contemporary insights, perhaps the most extensive source of information regarding the Akashic Records comes from the clairvoyant work of Edgar Cayce (1877-1945), Christian mystic and founder of A.R.E. For forty-three years of his adult life, Edgar Cayce possessed the uncanny ability to lie down on a couch, close his eyes, fold his hands over his stomach, and put himself into some kind of an altered state in which virtually any type of information was available. The accuracy of Cayce’s psychic work is evidenced by approximately one dozen biographies and literally hundreds of titles which explore various aspects of his information and the thousands of topics he discussed.

When asked about the source of his information, Cayce replied that there were essentially two. The first was the subconscious mind of the individual for whom he was giving the reading and the second was the Akashic Records.

Cayce’s Sojourn to Access the Records
Most often, when giving a reading which discussed a person’s soul history and his or her individual sojourn through space and time, Cayce would begin with a statement such as, “Yes, we have before us the records of the entity now known or called _________.” In discussing the process for accessing these records, Edgar Cayce described his experience as follows:

I see myself as a tiny dot out of my physical body, which lies inert before me. I find myself oppressed by darkness and there is a feeling of terrific loneliness. Suddenly, I am conscious of a white beam of light. As this tiny dot, I move upward following the light, knowing that I must follow it or be lost.

As I move along this path of light I gradually become conscious of various levels upon which there is movement. Upon the first levels there are vague, horrible shapes, grotesque forms such as one sees in nightmares. Passing on, there begin to appear on either side misshapen forms of human beings with some part of the body magnified. Again there is change and I become conscious of gray-hooded forms moving downward. Gradually, these become lighter in color. Then the direction changes and these forms move upward and the color of the robes grows rapidly lighter. Next, there begin to appear on either side vague outlines of houses, walls, trees, etc., but everything is motionless. As I pass on, there is more light and movement in what appear to be normal cities and towns. With the growth of movement I become conscious of sounds, at first indistinct rumblings, then music, laughter, and singing of birds. There is more and more light, the colors become very beautiful, and there is the sound of wonderful music. The houses are left behind, ahead there is only a blending of sound and color. Quite suddenly I come upon a hall of records. It is a hall without walls, without ceiling, but I am conscious of seeing an old man who hands me a large book, a record of the individual for whom I seek information. Reading 294-19 Report File

Yes, we have the body here, and the record as has been made and as may be made with the will as exercised, and the condition irrespective of the will’s influence or effect as has been created. We have conditions that might have been, that are, and that may be. Do not get the three mixed up or crossed purposes of either. Reading 304-5

Once given the record, Cayce had the ability to select the information which would be most capable of assisting the individual at that time in his or her life. Frequently, a reading might suggest that only a selection of the available material was being provided, but that the individual was being given that which would be “most helpful and hopeful.” Additional insights were frequently provided in subsequent readings once an individual had attempted to work with and apply the information which had been given previously.

As a means of perhaps alluding to the fact that the Akashic Records were not simply a transcription of the past but included the present, the future, and certain probabilities as well, in reading 304-5, Cayce began the reading with a curious statement.
When discussing the Book of Life, he stated it that it was “The record of God, of thee, thy soul within and the knowledge of same.” (281-33)
On another occasion (2533-8) Cayce was asked to explain the difference between the Book of Life and the Akashic Records:

Q. [What is meant by] The Book of Life?
A. The record that the individual entity itself writes upon the skein of time and space, through patience – and is opened when self has attuned to the infinite, and may be read by those attuning to that consciousness…
Q. The Book of God’s Remembrances?
A. This is the Book of Life.
Q. The Akashic Records?
A. Those made by the individual, as just indicated.

The Edgar Cayce readings suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation. This information has an effect upon us in the here and now. In fact, the Akashic Records have such an impact upon our lives and the potentials and probabilities we draw toward us that any exploration of them cannot help but provide us with insights into the nature of ourselves and our relationship to the universe.

There is much more to our lives, our histories, and our individual influence upon our tomorrows than we have perhaps dared to imagine. By accessing information from the Akashic Records, the universe’s computer database, much might be revealed to us. The world as we have collectively perceived it is but a faint shadow of reality.

Following is a collection of papers from various sources that describe the Akashic Records in a way we feel most can understand.
A theosophical term referring to an universal filing system which records every occurring thought, word, and action. The records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha (or Soniferous Ether). In Hindu mysticism this akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles, fire, air, earth, and water, are created. These five principles also represent the five senses of the human being.

Some indicate the akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective 5consciousness. The records have been referred to by different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think the akashic records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible.
It is believed by some that the events recorded upon that akasha can be ascertained or read in certain states of consciousness. Such states of consciousness can be induced by certain stages of sleep, weakness, illness, drugs, and meditation so not only mystics but ordinary people can and do perceive the akashic records. Some mystics claim to be able to reanimate their contents like they were turning on a celestial television set. Yogis also believe that these records can be perceived in certain psychic states.

Certain persons in subconscious states do read the akashic records. An explanation for this phenomena is that the akashic records are the macrocosm of the individual subconscious mind. Both function similarly, they possess thoughts which are never forgotten. The collective subconscious gathers all thoughts from each subconscious mind which can be read by other subconscious minds.

An example of one who many claimed successfully read the akashic records is the late American mystic Edgar Cayce. Cayce did his readings in a sleep state or trance. Cayce’s method was described by Dr. Wesley H. Ketchum who for several years used Cayce as an adjunct for his medical practice. “Cayce’s subconscious…is in direct communication with all other subconscious minds, and is capable of interpreting through his objective mind and imparting impressions received to other objective minds, gathering in this way all knowledge possessed by endless millions of other subconscious minds.” Apparently Cayce was interpreting the collective subconscious mind long before the psychiatrist C.J. Jung postulated his concept of the collective unconscious. A.G.H.
“Upon time and space is written the thoughts, the deeds, the activities of an entity “as in relationships to its environs, its hereditary influence; as directed” or judgment drawn by or according to what the entity’s ideal is. Hence, as it has been oft called, the record is God’s book of remembrance; and each entity, each soul “as the activities of a single day of an entity in the material world” either makes same good or bad or indifferent, depending upon the entity’s application of self towards that which is the ideal manner for the use of time, opportunity and the expression of that for which each soul enters a material manifestation. The interpretation then as drawn here is with the desire and hope that, in opening this for the entity, the experience may be one of helpfulness and hopefulness.
– Edgar Cayce reading 1650-1

The Edgar Cayce readings suggest that each of us writes the story of our lives through our thoughts, our deeds, and our interactions with the rest of creation. This information has an effect upon us in the here and now. In fact, the Akashic Records have such an impact upon our lives and the potentials and probabilities we draw toward us that any exploration of them cannot help but provide us with insights into the nature of ourselves and our relationship to the universe.

There is much more to our lives, our histories, and our individual influence upon our tomorrows than we have perhaps dared to imagine. By accessing information from the Akashic Records, the universe’s computer database, much might be revealed to us. The world as we have collectively perceived it is but a faint shadow of Reality.

The word akashic comes from the ancient Tibetan words “aka meaning place, and “sa” meaning unseen in the sky. When the soul emerges from the source (or the creating life force, or God), it begins its pre-destined travel through time and space. Along its travels, it incarnates many times, growing spiritually and at the same time, fulfilling its purpose.
The soul emits energy with every thought, action or event that it engages in during its incarnations.

This energy leaves a permanent energetic blueprint. This blueprint is in the form of a multi dimensional holographic recording of the actual events, thoughts, feelings and actions of life that the soul experienced. This hologram is a continuous cinematic display that continues through time and space. These hologram recordings are the akashic records. Because every activity of the soul leaves its energy blueprint, the history of the whole universe is recorded in this hologram – including the history of our past lives and present life. This is the akashic record of our life.
Claims and Skepticism

Believers in the Akasha make many claims about how widely the Akasha was used, including:  The claim that the Vedas of Hindus and the language of Sanskrit itself were extracted from Akasha.

The claim that in Egypt, those who could read the Akasha were held in high standing and would advise the Pharaohs on daily activities and dream interpretation.[citation needed]

The claim that the Druid cultures of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England (???-500 (est.)) demonstrated the ability to access the Akasha.[citation needed]

The claim that the Bible refers to the Akasha records as the Book of Life in both the Old Testament (Psalm 69:28) and the New Testament (Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 20:15 and Revelation 21:27 “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”)

Despite claims that the Akashic Records have been used by mystics throughout history, there are not any direct references to the Akasha to be found in any of the historical documentation of the aforementioned groups. The term Akasha itself, along with the concept of an etheric library, originated with the 19th century movement of Theosophy. Skeptics say that the concept of Akashic Records has been attributed indiscriminately and inappropriately to a wide range of historical religious figures and movements.

Traditionally the theory has also been rejected by the scientific community, due to a lack of any independently verifiable evidence. Interestingly, Ervin Laszlo (2004) explores science and the Akashic Records in the spirit of Occam’s razor, and champions the theory of the Records as resolving many anomalies within history, science and experience with simplicity.

Specific Accounts of the Akashic Records

In Theosophy and New Age discourse the Akashic Records are records of all knowledge, including all human experience, held in the Universe. The Akashic Records are metaphorically described as a library and are also likened to a universal computer or the ‘Mind of God’.
The Akashic Records are referred to by Edgar Cayce, who stated that each person is held to account after life and ‘confronted’ with their personal Akashic record of what they have or have not done in life in a karmic sense. The idea is comparable to the biblical Book of Life which is consulted to see whether or not the dead are admitted to heaven.
Jane Roberts in the Seth books describes a different version of a similar idea when Seth asserts that the fundamental stuff of the universe is ideas and consciousness, and that an idea once conceived exists forever. Seth argued that all ideas and knowledge are in principle accessible by “direct cognition”. Direct cognition shares semantic congruency with intuition and allows for the possibility of direct knowing without time elapsing and without knowledge needing to be transferred e.g. in speech or text. This is similar to what Robert Monroe refers to as rotes in his out-of-body book trilogy.

Some writers believe that, free from and independent of all religions and faiths, there exist many libraries or record repositories such as the Akashic library throughout the universe, albeit on various planes of existence.

According to Max Heindel’s Rosicrucian writings, the Memory of Nature (Akashic Records) may be read in three different inner worlds. In the reflecting ether of the Etheric region there are pictures of all that has happened in the world – at least several hundred years back, or much more in some cases – and they appear almost as the pictures on a screen, with the difference that the scene shifts backward.

The Memory of Nature may be read, in an entirely different manner covering the essence of a whole life or event, in a higher world, in the highest subdivision of the Region of Concrete Thought of the World of Thought, and, last, it may be read in the World of Life Spirit, covering events from the earliest dawn of our present manifestation, but only spiritual adepts, spiritual entities and through grace is access to the Records granted.

In Michel Desmarquet’s book Thiaoouba Prophecy, the author claims to have been abducted by supreme alien beings, that in one part of the book guides him through something that is most likely the Akashic records. The term they are using is Psychosphere. The author’s understanding is that the Psychosphere is like a “vibratory cocoon, which turns at a speed seven times that of light. This cocoon acts as a blotter, as it were, absorbing (and remembering) absolutely every event occurring on the planet. The contents of this cocoon are inaccessible to us on Earth

Urantia Book

The Urantia Book confirms the validity and reality of these Living Records in several accounts. In Paper 25 is found the statement: “The recording angels of the inhabited planets are the source of all individual records. Throughout the universes other recorders function regarding both formal records and living records. From Urantia to Paradise, both recordings are encountered: in a local universe, more of the written records and less of the living; on Paradise, more of the living and less of the formal; on Uversa, both are equally available.

Again in Paper 28 in The Urantia book we find reference: “The Memory of Mercy is a living trial balance, a current statement of your account with the supernatural forces of the realms. These are the living records of mercy ministration which are read into the testimony of the courts of Uversa when each individual’s right to unending life comes up for adjudication, when “thrones are cast up and the Ancients of Days are seated. The broadcasts of Uversa issue and come forth from before them; thousands upon thousands minister to them, and ten thousand times ten thousand stand before them. The judgment is set, and the books are opened.” And the books which are opened on such a momentous occasion are the living records of the tertiary seconaphim of the superuniverses. The formal records are on file to corroborate the testimony of the Memories of Mercy if they are required.”
Mention in “The Law of One”

In The Law of One, Book I, a book purported to contain conversations with a channeled “social memory complex” known to humans as “Ra,” when the questioner asks where Edgar Cayce received his information, the answer received is, “We have explained before that the intelligent infinity is brought into intelligent energy from eighth density or octave. The one sound vibratory complex called Edgar used this gateway to view the present, which is not the continuum you experience but the potential social memory complex of this planetary sphere. The term your peoples have used for this is the “Akashic Record” or the Hall of Records.

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A theosophical term denoting a kind of central filing system of all events, thoughts, and actions impressed upon an astral plane, which may be consulted in certain conditions of consciousness. Events are believed to make an impression upon the akasha, or subtle ether, which may be reanimated by mystics as if they are switching on a celestial television set.

The idea of akashic records was central to the work of seer Edgar Cayce. When Cayce went into trance, it was believed that he accessed the records, sometimes referred to as God’s Book of Remembrance. The akashic records store the individual’s thoughts and information on activities that may be read by certain gifted seers.

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The akashic records is a theosophical concept referring to the archiving of all world events and personal experiences-of all the thoughts and deeds that have ever taken place on Earth. These events are transcribed in the form of complex images composed of pictures, sounds, and other sensory stimuli. These images are indelibly impressed upon the “matter” of the astral plane (called the akasha) and may be “read” only when the reader is in a special altered (some even say mystical) state of consciousness. In such an altered state of mind, one is able to tap the akashic records and receive direct information about past ages. Certain theosophical descriptions of Atlantis, for example, are supposedly received via this technique. Also, some psychics who do past-life readings claim to receive their information from the akashic records.

It is also said that it is possible to tap the akashic records during dreams. Sometimes the information so obtained is remembered consciously upon awakening. More often, nocturnal perusals of the akashic records are not remembered, although the fruits of such “dream research” may be retrieved in moments of intuition in daily life. The information received in precognitive dreams (clairvoyant dreams relating to an event or state not yet experienced) is often said to be ultimately derived from the akashic records.

The Akashic Records are an energetic imprint of every thought, action, emotion, and experience that has ever occurred in time and space. The Akashic Records can also be understood as the imprint of all experiences of all lifetime in all realities. They are an etheric, holographic repository of information for human consciousness for the past, present and potentials for the future. The energy that makes up the Akashic Records is the energy of Love! The knowledge contained in the Akashic Records is imprinted upon a subtle substance called the Akasha, which describes the energy of Love that permeates and creates everything in the Universe.

The Akasha is available everywhere, all the time. Everyone can access information from the Akashic Records at any time, and indeed we do! The flashes of intuition and knowing hunches that occur every day are glimpses into the divine wisdom contained in the Akashic Records. Every being in the Universe contributes to and accesses the Akashic Records. Because we are all created by and connected to the energy of Love, our divine birthright includes having access to the divine wisdom and knowledge contained in the Akashic Records.

The Akashic Records contain all past, present, and future possibilities through the vibrations of compassion and joy. They are like the DNA of the universe. They contain a collection of everything that has occurred in the past, and they hold a complete set of information regarding possibilities for the future. Every individual soul has its own, unique Akashic Record. The souls of groups, events, organizations, and locations also have a unique Akashic Record.

One way to understand the Akashic Records is to envision them as a book that contains the entire history of your soul, as well as every aspect of who you are now and all the potentials for your future. This metaphorical book is so vast that it could never exist physically. Instead, it is recorded energetically in the vibration of the Love that makes up everything in the Universe.

The clear truth contained in the Akashic Records allows us the freedom to choose grace in all things. When we know the truth, we can release any illusions we have created that cause us to believe we are separate from God, Spirit, or Source. The Akashic Records are one of the most powerful tools available on the planet today, to help us remember our Oneness with every being in the Universe, and to find our personal and collective power to create the realities we desire.

Memory of Nature: Akashic Field

Mystics and sages have long maintained that there exists an interconnecting cosmic field at the roots of reality that conserves and conveys information, a field known as the Akashic record. Recent discoveries in the new field of vacuum physics now show that this Akashic field is real and has its equivalent in the zero-point field that underlies space itself. This field consists of a subtle sea of fluctuating energies from which all things arise: atoms and galaxies, stars and planets, living beings, and even consciousness. This zero-point Akashic-field–or “A-field”– is not only the original source of all things that arise in time and space; it is also the constant and enduring memory of the universe. It holds the record of all that ever happened in life, on Earth, and in the cosmos and relates it to all that is yet to happen.

Akashic Records as described by dictionaries:

“The records are generated of everything that happens in the universe as it occurs. The appearance is that all matter and energy have a sort of built-in digital recording device, storing its entire history in a photographic code, but the records are actually windows into the past. The records show events exactly as they were experienced, so the information in them begins raw-it is not clarified, understood, and assimilated until a consciousness takes responsibility for doing so.”

A theosophical term referring to an universal filing system which records every occurring thought, word, and action. The records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha (or Soniferous Ether). In Hindu mysticism this akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles, fire, air, earth, and water, are created. These five principles also represent the five senses of the human being.

Some indicate the akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness. The records have been referred to by different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think the akashic records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible.

It is believed by some that the events recorded upon that akasha can be ascertained or read in certain states of consciousness. Such states of consciousness can be induced by certain stages of sleep, weakness, illness, drugs, and meditation so not only mystics but ordinary people can and do perceive the akashic records. Some mystics claim to be able to reanimate their contents like they were turning on a celestial television set. Yogis also believe that these records can be perceived in certain psychic states.

Certain persons in subconscious states do read the akashic records. An explanation for this phenomena is that the akashic records are the macrocosm of the individual subconscious mind. Both function similarly, they possess thoughts which are never forgotten. The collective subconscious gathers all thoughts from each subconscious mind which can be read by other subconscious minds.

An example of one who many claimed successfully read the akashic records is the late American mystic Edgar Cayce. Cayce did his readings in a sleep state or trance. Cayce’s method was described by Dr. Wesley H. Ketchum who for several years used Cayce as an adjunct for his medical practice. “Cayce’s subconscious…is in direct communication with all other subconscious minds, and is capable of interpreting through his objective mind and imparting impressions received to other objective minds, gathering in this way all knowledge possessed by endless millions of other subconscious minds.” Apparently Cayce was interpreting the collective subconscious mind long before the psychiatrist C.J. Jung postulated his concept of the collective unconscious.

The Hall of Records is in frequency, if it exists at all, being nothing more than an awakening tool for humanity. It is the place of truth, where one goes to find the answers about the nature of reality and their role in it, within and without. No one will find a physical Hall of Records. The truth exists within our souls, our DNA, and the initial 8 cells found at the base of our spine, that never change, but wait to activate when the time is right. It guides the quests we take, to unravel that which was hidden at the beginning of this program of time, that we sense will soon be discovered. Reality has become about discovery and recovery on all levels of awareness as we evolve in the alchemy of time and consciousness.

The Hall of Records goes by many names – the Akashic Record, Book of Life, Story of Humanity, matrix, grids, other. It is the point of origin, the place we find the answers. This knowledge explains the nature of our physical program which is a biogenetic experiment in which souls are all encoded with sacred keys of light to find their way out.
We trigger our personal Hall of Records, through archetypes, our genetic encoding, when our frequency is high enough, and we are ready.

Other Claims

The claim that in Egypt, those who could read the Akasha were held in high standing and would advise the Pharaohs on daily activities and dream interpretation.

The claim that the Druid cultures of Ireland, Scotland, Wales and England (???-500 (est.)) demonstrated the ability to access the Akasha.
The claim that the Bible refers to the Akasha records as the Book of Life in both the Old Testament (Psalm 69:28) and the New Testament (Philippians 4:3, Revelation 3:5, 13:8, 17:8, 20:12, 20:15 and Revelation 21:27 “Nothing impure will ever enter it, nor will anyone who does what is shameful or deceitful, but only those whose names are written in the Lamb’s book of life.”)

Despite claims that the Akashic Records have been used by mystics throughout history, there are not any direct references to the Akasha to be found in any of the historical documentation of the aforementioned groups. The term Akasha itself, along with the concept of an aetheric library, originated with the 19th century movement of Theosophy. Skeptics say that the concept of Akashic Records has been attributed indiscriminately and inappropriately to a wide range of historical religious figures and movements.

Traditionally the theory has also been rejected by the scientific community, due to a lack of any independently verifiable evidence. Interestingly, Ervin Laszlo (2004) explores science and the Akashic Records in the spirit of Occam’s razor, and champions the theory of the Records as resolving many anomalies within history, science and experience with simplicity.

Hall Of Records

The mythical Hall of Records is allegedly a library buried under the Great Sphinx in the Giza pyramid complex. It is rumored to house the knowledge of the Egyptians in papyrus scrolls, much as the Great Library of Alexandria housed Grecian knowledge. There is debate as to whether the Hall actually exists or not, but all excavation in the area has so far yielded little or no results.

In truth they never will find a Hall of Records, as that is a term referencing the frequency grids that create our reality, nothing more, and will not be accessed until consciousness evolves back into light at the end of the program. Our reality the Masonic (mother sound) Program began in the Middle East (Giza plateau) and so it shall return at the end of time.

Encoded in the journey of humanity is to quest for knowledge about our origins, our creators, and how that will lead us to discovering the truth about who we are and why our souls came here.
Finding enigmatic objects and places such as the Holy Grail, the Ark of the Covenant, the Akashic Records, Shambhala, Atlantis, etc. is about the quest to find sacred knowledge, the keys that will unlock the truth about reality.

Who are you? Why are you here? What is your soul’s purpose? The answer: We exist in a consciousness hologram, a biogenetic experiment in linear time and emotion, created by electromagnetic grids through which we virtually experience. The program will soon end having come full circle in the cycles of time. It’s all about knowledge.

Though repeatedly denied by mainstream Egyptologists, the mythology of the Hall of Records is a popular one among those who hold alternative theories of Ancient Egypt while conducting scientific inquiry in the mysteries of that time. The sources on which this topic is based are not robust. The origins of the story about the “Hall of Records” are unknown, though the idea that there is a cavity around the sphinx dates back to Pliny. In Pliny’s Natural History, he states that “[the Egyptians] are of the opinion that a King Harmais is buried inside it.”

The psychic Edgar Cayce had several psychic reading of the Hall of Records. He claimed that in 1998 the Hall would be discovered and opened and humanity would move into a new era of prosperity. The history of the Earth would be found in the right shoulder of the Sphinx. Cayce also suggested that the opening would coincide with the Second Coming of Christ.

Graham Hancock and Robert Bauval, in “Message of the Sphinx” stated that American archeologists and the Egyptian government had in the past blocked investigations around the Sphinx, including attempts to locate any underground cavities. Bauval later wrote Secret Chamber in 1999. According to Bauval’s research, Egyptian Antiquities granted an American team a license to search for the Hall of Records under the Sphinx. It is know that there are three passages around the Sphinx, two have unknown origin. One is a small dead-end nineteenth century shaft behind the head. Also, little holes in the body of the Sphinx may be related to its construction, but this is unknown.

According to some, the Hall was not the work of Ancient Egyptians at all but another society (this has ranged from advance prehistoric societies to a superior race of intelligent beings). Accordingly, this society sealed the Hall away with scrolls of their accumulated knowledge at about 10,500 BC – the last period of time when the constellation of Leo was located between the Sphinx’s paws when it rose in the night sky. Skeptics have relegated such notions to be much like the supposed inhabitants of Atlantis in the Hellenic Myth. The study of and the search for the Hall may fall under the category of pseudoarchaeology, if such activity does not use methodology that is part of the established scientific method. Also of note, There are 2 other Hall of records located in and around Bimini and in the Yukatan jungle, most likely the ruins of Piedras Negras.

Edgar Cayce – Atlantean Hall of Records

Edgar Cayce predicted the discovery of an Atlantean “Hall of Records” between the Sphinx and the Nile with a connecting entrance under the right, front paw of the Sphinx.
The following segment was taken from Cayce, Edgar “On Atlantis” New York: Warner Books, 1968.

…It would be well if this entity were to seek either of the three phases of the ways and means in which those records of the activities of individuals were preserved — the one in the Atlantean land, that sank, which will rise and is rising again; another in the place of the records that leadeth from the Sphinx to the hall of records, in the Egyptian land; and another in the Aryan or Yucatan land, where the temple there is overshadowing same. (2012-1; Sep 25, 1939) – from page 146

…the entity joined with those who were active in putting the records in forms that were partially of the old characters of the ancient or early Egyptian, and part in the newer form of the Atlanteans. These may be found, especially when the house or tomb of records is opened, in a few years from now. (2537-1; Jul 17, 1941) – p.146

…[the entity] was among the first to set the records that are yet to be discovered or yet to be had of those activities in the Atlantean land, and for the preservation of data that is yet to be found from the chambers of the way between the Sphinx and the pyramid of records.
(3575-2; Jan 20, 1944) – p.147

Q.2: Give in detail what the sealed room contains.
A.2: A record of Atlantis from the beginning of those periods when the Spirit took form, or began the encasements in that land; and the developments of the peoples throughout their sojourn; together with the record of the first destruction, and the changes that took place in the land; with the record of the sojournings of the peoples and their varied activities in other lands, and a record of the meetings of all the nations or lands, for the activities in the destruction of Atlantis; and the building of the pyramid of initiation, together with whom, what, and where the opening of the records would come, that are as copies from the sunken Atlantis. For with the change, it [Atlantis] must rise again. In position, this lies — as the sun rises from the waters — as the line of the shadows (or light) falls between the paws of the Sphinx; that was set later as the sentinel or guard and which may not be entered from the connecting chambers from the Sphinx’s right paw until the time has been fulfilled when the changes must be active in this sphere of man’s experience. Then [it lies] between the Sphinx and the river. (378-16; Oct 29, 1933) – p.147-8
This excerpt was taken from Edgar Cayce on Atlantis
New York: Warner Books, 1968

Here are some informative quotes from and comments regarding the book “Science and the Akashic Field: An Integral Theory of Everything” by Ervin Laszlo and published by Inner Traditions.
The overall idea behind the concept of an Akashic Field is that behind the materialistic and mechanistic world there is in fact another realm of interaction. This book presents compelling evidence for this from the fields of cosmology, quantum physics, biology and studies of consciousness. It is like a subtle communication network that underlies physical reality and that connects every point in space with every other point, and every thing with every other thing. This communication network operates in the realm of pure information that underlies empirical existence and thus does not rely on the transport of physical energy, hence, through this field, interactions can occur instantaneously regardless of physical separation and without any channel for the mechanistic transport of energy. Furthermore, like things tend to interact more strongly with like things, thus humans interact more strongly with humans, galaxies with galaxies and so on. The principle empirical and observable effect of this field is coherence between phenomena across any distances.

In regards to cosmology and the current puzzles therein Laszlo states that “these mysteries have a common element: they exhibit a staggering coherence throughout the reaches of space and time.” Furthermore, “There is no reasonable explanation in ‘BB [big bang] theory’ for the observed flatness of the universe; for the missing mass in it; for the accelerating expansion of galaxies; for the coherence of some basic cosmic ratios; and for the ‘horizon problem,’ the uniformity of the macrostructures throughout cosmic space. The problem known as the ‘tuning of the constants’ is particularly vexing. The three dozen or more physical parameters of the universe are so finely tuned that together they create the highly improbable conditions under which life can emerge… These are all puzzles of coherence, and they raise the possibility that this universe did not arise in the context of a random fluctuation of the underlying quantum vacuum. Instead, it may have been born in the womb of a prior ‘meta-universe’… [i.e.] a vaster, more fundamental universe that is behind or beyond the universe we observe and inhabit.”

“The staggering coherence of our universe tells us that all its stars and galaxies are interconnected in some way. And the astonishing fine-tuning of the physical laws and constants of our universe suggests that at its birth our universe may have been connected with prior universes…”

In quantum physics the issues revolve around the phenomena of non-locality; superpositions of states; the collapse of the superposition where “it appears to choose its real states on its own”; EPR pairs where “once they are in the same state, they remain linked no matter how far they travel from each other” and also the effect of simply having an available observation channel, even if it is not used, it can still collapse the wavefunction of an experiment.

In regards to biology he states that “Instant, multidimensional correlations are coming to light between the parts of a living organism, and even between organisms and environments… [these] are nearly as ‘entangled’ as microparticles that originate in the same quantum state [such as EPR pairs]… What happens to one cell or organ also happens in some way to all other cells and organs… [also] what happens in the external milieu of the organism is reflected in some way in its internal milieu. Thanks to this coherence, the organism can evolve in tune with its environment… [Darwinian evolution and random mutation is not enough]… That our world is not populated solely by the simplest of organisms, such as bacteria … is due in the last analysis to the kind of ‘entanglement’ that exists among genes, organisms, organism species, and their niches within the biosphere.” Furthermore, “the organism’s coherence goes beyond the coherence of a biochemical system; in some respects it attains the coherence of a quantum system… Simple collisions among neighbouring molecules… must be complemented by a network of instant communication that correlates all parts of the living system, even those that are distant from one another. Rare molecules, for example, are seldom contiguous, yet they find each other throughout the organism. There would not be sufficient time for this to occur by a random process of jiggling and mixing; the molecules need to locate and respond to each other specifically, even if they are distant.”

In regards to consciousness Laszlo states that “in the conservative view human communication and interaction is limited to our sensory channels … [but] we are linked by more subtle and encompassing connections as well.” Also “The connections that bind ‘my’ consciousness to the consciousness of others… are rediscovered today in controlled experiments with thought and image transference, and the effect of the mind of one individual on the body of another.” Furthermore, “Native tribes seem able to communicate beyond the range of eye and ear… In the laboratory also, modern people display a capacity for spontaneous transference of impressions and images, especially when they are emotionally close to each other… transpersonal contact includes the ability to transmit thoughts and images, and … it is given to many if not all people… this is the finding of recent experiments… Reliable evidence is becoming available that the conscious mind of one person can produce repeatable and measurable effects on the body of another… [also] Intercessory prayer and spiritual healing, together with other mind- and intention-based experiments and practices, yield impressive evidence regarding the effectiveness of telepathic and telesomatic information- and energy-transmission. The pertinent practices produce real and measurable effects on people, and they are more and more widespread. But mainstream science has no explanation for them. Could it be that our consciousness is linked with other consciousnesses through an interconnecting Akashic Field, much as galaxies are linked in the cosmos, quanta in the microworld, and organisms in the world of the living?”

In regards to the origin of the universe and its metaphysical foundation Laszlo states that “the universe we observe and inhabit is a secondary product of the energy sea that was there before there was anything there at all. Hindu and Chinese cosmologies have always maintained that the things and beings that exist in the world are a concretization or distillation of the basic energy of the cosmos, descending from its original source. The physical world is a reflection of energy vibrations from more subtle energy fields. Creation and all subsequent existence, is a progression downward and outward from the primordial source.
In Indian philosophy the ultimate end of the physical world is a return to Akasha, its original subtle-energy womb. At the end of time as we know it, the almost infinitely varied things and forms of the manifest world dissolve into formlessness… In Akasha, all attributes of the manifest world merge into a state that is beyond attributes: the state of Brahman.
Although it is undifferentiated, Brahman is dynamic and creative. From its ultimate ‘being’ comes the temporary ‘becoming’ of the manifest world, with its attributes, functions and relationships. The cycles of samsara [individual lifetimes] … are the lila of Brahman: its play of ceaseless creation and dissolution. In Indian philosophy, absolute reality is the reality of Brahman. The manifest world enjoys but a derived, secondary reality and mistaking it for the real is the illusion of maya…

The traditional Eastern conception differs from the view held by most people in the West… [that] reality is material. The things that truly exist are bits or particles of matter… Matter moves about in space, acted on by energy. Energy also enjoys reality (since it acts on matter), but space does not: space is merely the backdrop or the container… and is passive in itself… space is not experienced… it is only the precondition of experience… [this last comment exposes the Western reliance on sensory experience and therefore its entrapment within the illusion of the empirical world or Maya]

The view that space is empty and passive, and not even real to boot, is in complete opposition to the view we get from contemporary physics… it is clear that what they describe as the unified vacuum – the seat of all the fields and forces of the physical world – is in fact the primary reality of the universe… What we think of as matter is but the quantised semi-stable bundling of the energies that spring from the vacuum. In the last count matter is but a waveform disturbance in the nearly infinite energy-sea that is the fundamental medium – and hence the primary reality – of this universe, and of all universes that ever existed and will ever exist.”
Evolutionary Panpsychism: Laszlo further discusses the likelihood that consciousness is universal and that all ‘things’ are to some degree conscious; “there is no categorical divide between mind and matter… conscious matter at a lower level of organisation (the neurons in the brain) generates conscious matter at a higher level of organisation (the brain as a whole)… the emerging solution to the classical brain/mind problem is evolutionary panpsychism… [which claims that] all of reality has a mental aspect: psyche is a universal presence in the world… [and] psyche evolves , the same as matter… both matter and mind – physis and psyche [prakriti and purusha] – were present from the beginning: they are both fundamental aspects of reality… [although] we do not claim that they are radically separate; we say that they are but different aspects of the same reality. What we call ‘matter’ is the aspect we apprehend when we look at a person, a plant, or a molecule from the outside; ‘mind’ is the readout we get when we look at the same thing from the inside.”

We do not merely perceive the world through our empirical senses or the “five slits in the tower”, we can “open the roof to the sky”. He states that “The informed universe gives us not only a new view of the world, but also a new view of life and of mind. It permits our brains and minds to access a broad band of information… We are, or can be, literally ‘in touch’ with almost any part of the world, whether here on Earth or beyond in the cosmos. When we do not repress the corresponding intuitions, we can be informed by things as small as a particle or as large as a galaxy”.

He then discusses the question “Could the cosmos itself possess consciousness in some form?”, but this is difficult to answer since we cannot perceive the quantum vacuum directly and even if we could, “consciousness is ‘private’, we cannot ordinarily observe it in anyone but ourselves”. However “We could enter an altered state of consciousness and identify ourselves with the vacuum, the deepest and most fundamental level of reality [like the vedic method of meditating upon Brahman]… would we experience a physical field of fluctuating energies? Or would we experience something like a cosmic field of consciousness? The latter is much more likely… when we experience anybody else’s brain ‘from the outside’ we do not experience his or her consciousness… But we know that when we experience our brain ‘from the inside’ we experience not neurons, but the qualitative features that make up our stream of consciousness… Would not the same hold true when we project ourselves into a mystical union with the vacuum? … there is indirect yet significant evidence for it… in deeply altered states of consciousness, many people experience a kind of consciousness that appears to be that of the universe itself… They describe what they experience as an immense and unfathomable field of consciousness endowed with infinite intelligence and creative power. The field of cosmic consciousness they experience is a cosmic emptiness – a void. Yet … it is also an essential fullness… The vacuum they experience is a plenum: nothing is missing in it. It is the ultimate source of existence, the cradle of all being… The phenomenal world is its creation: the realization and concretization of its inherent potential.”

Regarding the future evolution of human consciousness he mentions numerous theories, “but they have a common thrust. Consciousness evolution is from the ego-bound to the transpersonal form. If this is so, it is a source of great hope. Transpersonal consciousness is open to more of the information that reaches the brain than the dominant consciousness of today. This could have momentous consequences. It could produce greater empathy among people, and greater sensitivity to animals, plants, and the entire biosphere. It could create subtle contact with other parts of the cosmos. It could change our world. A society hallmarked by transpersonal consciousness is not likely to be materialistic and self-centered; it would be more deeply and widely informed.”

Some General Comments

The recent realizations by the post modern world of the Akashic field, information theoretic metaphysics and system theory provide a rational foundation for what many call ‘faith’. They are a deep and systematic re-expression of ancient truths. No longer need we rely upon authority or literary or artistic persuasiveness, or persist at spiritual practices when we cannot be certain of the reality of their goal. Instead we can now rationally and intellectually obtain a firm understanding of the holistic nature of the cosmos and ourselves, which gives insight and motivation for our journey into the deeper levels of existence. The work presented on this website plays a pivotal role in this paradigm shift, it provides a foundation for a rigorous mathematical science of our holistic context, that encompasses both the physical and mystic aspects of reality, as well as the everyday experience of being in the world. Using the methods presented on this website we can create computer generated virtual worlds with fundamental metaphysical properties identical to our own reality. These can provide an experimental framework for further exploration as well as a rational approach toward understanding the subtleties of spirituality. This would provide motivation for personal spiritual development so that we can personally participate in the vastly greater reality that is accessible to us.

Laszlo and others describe the cosmos using a similar system theoretic paradigm as is presented here but are working from within the world and they focus primarily on a general understanding of what the implications are for beings such as ourselves. This is the most accessible approach for most people. However in the scientific analysis presented here I am working from beyond the world or prior to the world and I focus primarily on the transcendent dynamics that give rise to the world. Rather than conceive of the situation from within the virtual space and then propose a computational process that lies beyond it – I conceive of the situation from within the computational space and then propose a virtual world that arises from it. These two perspectives complement each other and they meet at a point that some call the unified vacuum and which I refer to in my own analysis as the Simulator/Simulation membrane, which is a conceptual membrane that separates the virtual reality space from the computational process that generates that space. For a quick example see The Central Metaphysical Idea and also the Metaphysical Context.
This conceptual membrane mediates the flow of all energy between these two realms (energy is the flow of information interpreted in an empirical dynamical context). When the computational process causes a form to arise in the virtual world the inhabitants of that virtual world would experience it as appearing out of the vacuum. From within the physical world the vacuum or the membrane represents the limit of what the materialistic paradigm can conceive of and from beyond the world it represents the first instance of empirical or physical manifestation as the information descends from the source and becomes energy and then finally empirical forms and phenomena.

Thus behind space there lies a simulation program or a virtual-reality generative information process that coordinates all that exists and all that happens. This information process has particular properties and constraints that give rise to the particular properties and constraints of the empirical simulation (physical universe). These can be determined and verified by mathematical inference and experimental measurement, indeed the phenomena of relativity and quantum physics are our experience of some of these properties and constraints, and so too is the Akashic Field. This is what I mathematically explore in the documents on The Mathematical Analysis and this could lead to direct experimental verification of the existence and the properties of the ‘simulator’ that underlies and manifests our reality, see the overview of this work.
In the many discussions it is assumed that the basic metaphysical concepts implied by the systemic paradigm and the Akashic field are understood otherwise some of the assertions may seem spurious and superstitious. Indeed, without such an understanding most of ancient wisdom seems spurious and superstitious but they are in fact highly detailed and very accurate metaphysical analyses However since the ancients lacked modern mathematics they expressed their knowledge using elaborate analogies, which have over time become misunderstood and even taken literally, which leads to massive confusion.

With Reincarnation, Karma and the Akashic Record all blending together the three topics really are one inter-related subject.
Reincarnation is the ability to continue with living, being born down here on Earth, living for a time, then passing into Spirit. Dwelling in Spirit for a time, and then the decision is made to be reborn again on the Earth, also taking into consideration the fact that Urantia which is another similar dimension to Earth but on the 7th Plane is also available to reincarnate there. People do live lifetime after lifetime even though they might not believe in this concept. It is indeed true. The Holy Bible does have a few mentionings and indirect references left still, although many of the quotations about reincarnation were removed by the Emperor Justinian in the year 531 A.D. He held a what is called then a conclave where the Pope and the Cardinals were to assemble with his intent to change and alter the bible. The Pope at the time refused to attend along with many of the Cardinals knowing the Emperor’s intent. The Emperor held the conclave anyway and confiscated all the bibles in the land to be burned. As Emperor Justinian was the emperor of Constantinople, as well as a powerful ruler, he got his way. The “new” bible the Emperor Justinian approved of was cleared of many of the passages that referred to reincarnation, however, the scholars at the time did miss a few of the less understood passages. One of which is the reference to John the Baptist being inquired about by the disciples. In the Book of John, Ch. 1, V. 24-25. They asked if John was the Christ or Elijah the prophet returned. Another passage listed in the book of Matthew, Ch. 26:52 states: “Then said Jesus unto him, Put up again thy sword into his place; for all they that take the sword shall perish with the sword.” That is an indirect reference, as you can sense many a murderer has gone on and lived out full lives down here on Earth without any punishment by any judicial system. That reference refers to Karma and having to deal with what goes around, coming back around in a future lifetime, hence the indirect reference to reincarnation.
In Matthew 16, Verse 13-14 it states: “Now when Jesus came into the district of Caesare`a Philippi, he asked his disciples, “Who do men say that the Son of man is?” And they said, “Some say John the Bapist, others say Elijah, and others Jeremiah or one of the prophets.” Elijah, Jeremiah, and earlier prophets had lived much earlier, even hundreds of years prior, and for the disciples to recount to Jesus what people were telling them who they thought Jesus had been before is clearly a statement supporting reincarnation. People in Jesus’ day believed in reincarnation which is why they mentioned earlier deceased prophets. Jesus would not have brought up the subject to discuss with his disciples without a purpose, asking his disciples this question of “Who do men say that the Son of man is”. When Peter replied “You are the Christ, the Son of the living God,” Jesus was pleased, and answered him saying, “Blessed are you, Simon Bar-Jona! For flesh and blood has not revealed this to you, but my Father who is in heaven. And I will tell you, you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the powers of death shall not prevail against it.

Karma is “what goes around, comes back around”. It is cause and effect. There is both good Karma and bad Karma, as you can sense. Karma is done as it affords us the understanding of responsibility and accountability for our own actions. For every action both good and bad, there is a cosmic reaction directly affecting our Souls which house this reacting energy. If the energy from this action we did is good, then the resulting energy of our deed is brought into us, and an Accolade is given us. An Accolade is a blessing/reward up in Spirit and it variates extensively with each type of individual good deed.

So often I am asked about how Karma works and the affect it has on our past lives, including the current one. I felt guided to write about this fascinating subject, as I felt a clear explanation would make the whole subject of “cause and effect” better understood. The Akashic Record also known in the bible as the Book of Life is a full account of our history. The Book of Life is listed 11 times in the bible in the Book of Revelation. This is a record of our lives both down on the Earth and on other planes of existence in the Heavenly Realm. Yes we do have “in-between lives” which is basically the fact that we continue on with our lives, our existence and are steadily who we truly are without interruption.
Our Life Plan which is like a blueprint of our planned goals, reflects our work outline for this lifetime. We ourselves add our own input with our comments we write down prior to this incarnation. This is called a “Goals Sheet”. This part of the planning includes a comprehensive program of growth related events in and surrounding our future life so that our goals are achieved. Similar to a college counselor, the Guides work with us in meetings to establish our intentions and to work out any conflicts whereby the planned achieved goals will be hampered. It all is very important these meetings to create a better well-thought out work plan for our next lifetime(s). I want to mention here, too, that often lifetimes are worked out in sets of three lifetimes at once. That way we can achieve a better overall group family incarnation experience with grandparents being involved, and that is why so often we plan out our lifetimes in order to keep the family together. It also makes it easier to plan out our futures as if someone is scheduled to become our child or grandchild, then there is indeed the need to have this all worked out ahead of time. People touch each other’s lives with their own lives, so it does take effort to coordinate the inter-relationships. Also people sometimes like to be their own grandchild or great-grandchild, and there, too, this is worked out ahead of time, so that their Soul Mates can also be down on the Earth in the appropriate time frame so that they will meet, fall in love, and have a relationship.

Along with all of this planning there is the mentioning of our past lives and any negative and/or positive Karma involved. Up in Spirit we know for a fact that what goes around comes back around. We know that as we can sense it. Negativity we do right away darkens our Auric Fields and doesn’t leave until we ourselves discharge this negativity through corrective effort. The quickest way to do that is to travel down to the Earth plane and live out an existence that affords us this ability to discharge it. Trying to discharge it over time up in Spirit is so much slower and not as effective. An ancient saying I have heard is “the gods will not do for man what man must do for himself”. We ourselves have to deal with it directly.

Karma is a very important part of each of our lives, whether or not we wish to acknowledge it. We are given many ways to discharge our negative Karma once we get down here on Earth, and when all is concluded in that respect, our lives have a better way of going.
The Akashic Record has been as mentioned prior also referred to as the Book of Life, and it fully keeps account of our actions, our responses to others, and how it appears from all people’s point of view who are concerned in any given situation. It records all reactions to our words to others, as well. The Akashic Record clearly goes back into the ancient times with the record keeping.

The Akashic Records refers to the frequency grid programs that create our reality. A theosophical term referring to a universal filing system which records our every occurring thought, word, and action. The records are impressed on a subtle substance called akasha (or Somniferous Ether). In Hindu mysticism this akasha is thought to be the primary principle of nature from which the other four natural principles, fire, air, earth, and water, are created. These five principles also represent the five senses of the human being.

Some indicate the Akashic records are similar to a Cosmic or collective consciousness. The records have been referred to by different names including the Cosmic Mind, the Universal Mind, the collective unconscious, or the collective subconscious. Others think the Akashic records make clairvoyance and psychic perception possible.