New Wisdoms

B - 37


New wisdom’s cascade around everyone, the elements of growth and learning are in the air and most are drawn to the books in one way or another. The written word opens doors to understanding and the opportunity to expand the potential that is within. The inner wisdom’s can be drawn forth and applied to reality. Draw upon what has been stored within from this and lifetimes past, and apply it to the here and now. Being sent back to the books is a way of awakening memories of what has been learned but not yet applied to life. Often we “know” the correct course of action; we just don’t act upon the internal wisdom. Take time for action and application, and take the opportunity to stretch the intellect, to draw it into new realms of exploration. The element of learning takes on new meaning as many are drawn into lessons not connected to formal school, yet crucial to the evolution of the spirit. Lessons of all sorts will be recognized and applied to life and there will be a greater richness on all levels for those who gather the lessons and apply them to their lives.