Meditating on Venus


Meditating on Venus


   Over the years of doing the radio show I have had the honor of having many hundreds of authors on the show to interview them on their most current books, which I have always read beforehand.  One theme that runs through most of the metaphysical books is the aspect of meditation and how important it is for reaching those levels where er can touch and connect to the spirit within, our link with the infinite or source of all creation.  All of them encourage meditation of some sort to make this connection, and I agree. 

   While meditation has been a part of my life for over half a century, I flow into it almost casually and it has become a matter of routine rather than a special aspect of my life.  I have tried on countless different forms of meditation and found what felt like it was a perfect fit and stopped looking around for another form.  Until lately.  It occurred to me that if it was so important that a new form may well open greater depth of perception and/or insight into the spirit that is carried within.  And so, a search began for another focus or method that would take me to a new level.

   As it was summertime, and the nights were balmy and quiet I thought to take my meditation outside and focus of the planet Venus.  What a perfect source for contemplation.  It had such a history of mystical and spiritual aspects.  And so night after night I took up my perch, focused on Venus and flowed with the energy that radiated from that bright star.  I was enveloped and the insight and inspiration that came from those meditations awakened within me deeper and more magical than I had previously been experiencing.  I wrote in my journals felt inspired and excited about the new areas that I was being taken to … so much so that after a month or so I decided to share my experience with a good friend who then wanted to share in the magic I had discovered in my night sky.  One evening we went out together and settled ourselves, took deep breaths and began to meditate.  After a while she whispered to me “Why are you focusing on the space station?” I told her that I was meditating on Venus, and she pointed out Venus in another section of the sky.

   So, here’s my take on what happened.  It really doesn’t matter what you focus on so long as your intent is to reach higher levels of consciousness.  Meditation should not become a routine but rather an adventure into those realms that go beyond this dimension or reality.  There is a reverence to meditation and what it can and will open to you if you are ready.  To be honest I still do focus on the space station because its bright light helped me to open myself to a greater light within myself.  I was looking for magic “out there” when all along it was really within me all the time, just not approached with the joy and anticipation I had when I shifted gears just a bit.

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