
A unity within the self has been achieved. Union of the higher/lower self. Strength and freedom are within unity. Things that may have seemed askew mow come together. You move forward with greater integrated effort. This energy represents an area of your life where there is an ease of flow.

Life requires dualities. This is the process of transformation. From unity within comes the need for expression. Utilize others as a sounding board, for honing of your ideas and efforts may be required. A deeper understanding of opposites opens the door to options. You may be called on to work on areas of yourself with which you may not be totally familiar or comfortable; do it.

Body, Mind, and Spirit are brought into line and connected for greater manifestation within reality. This is the energy of regeneration. To move beyond the present into the future. The spirit of action that asks that you extend yourself. You have gone through a rebirth, and you have the opportunity to express your new self in new ways. The dynamics of movement call for your juggling several aspects of your life.

Guardian Angel
Added guidance comes from the higher self; be still and listen. You can draw from greater resources; assistance cones from within. The wisdom from the past returns to open you to greater perspectives. An element of protection is around you, so there is no need to fear. Ask for direction, and the guideposts will be there. Your energies are renewed and strength is restored from your higher self.

Magic is within – the true, absolute, pure magic of the spirit is yours to manifest. Experience the joy of creation and the exhilaration of the mountaintop experience that accompanies it. Expect the unexpected. When you least expect it, a turnaround in your life will occurs, so be open . Something new, unanticipated and exciting is likely to happen to you. Each day is filled with countless miracles; look at those accruing in your life.

A threshold is about to be crossed, a new aspect of self brought forward. A new level of understanding is opened to you, a new beginning. You transcend a difficulty and grow to new dimensions within.