The Seventh Chakra


The Seventh Chakra


The Seventh Chakra , violet uncovers the creativity and artistic talent within each of us. It purifies our thoughts and feelings inspiring us in all aspects of our lives. This radiant vibration connects us to our spiritual self-strengthening our wisdom, guidance and inner strength. Violet is an immensely strong color and is not recommended for everyone; Leonardo da Vinci used it to meditate upon and Beethoven had violet curtains in his window.


On a metaphysical level it is the particle-wave, those substances, such as white light, that display characteristics of both mater (particles) and energy (wave-forms). On the astral plane it is spirit energy – the divine essence of the soul that connects us to the cosmos and to the creator.


On an esoteric and philosophical level it can be viewed as acting force behind universal will of Karma – the flow of energy that keeps the universe in balance.


Sol – The Sun is the focal point of Western astrology for a reason; it signifies who we are, Not just our personal identities, but everyone’s identity within the cosmic plan. It is the point from which the soul (sol) enters the body and it’s astrological placement indicates why it chose to be born. The sun’s radiant energy and gravitational pull are the focus that created our solar system, set it in motion, gave it life and sustain it. Just as the moon revolves around our home, the earth, like all things in this galaxy, revolves around the Sun


Sanskrit NamesahasraraMeaningThreshold
LocationSituated top of head
ElementEther, elemental Light (translated as “Void” or “Heavens” in various Eastern belief systems), it is the element of the cosmos and Creation. As such, it is manifested on the mental plane as the vibration of thought-energy. On the physical plane it is represented by nuclear energy (energy derived from the atom a fundamental building block of the universe).

On a metaphysical level it is the particle-wave, those substances, such as white light, that display characteristics of both mater (particles) and energy (wave-forms). On the astral plane it is spirit energy – the divine essence of the soul that connects us to the cosmos and to the creator.

On an esoteric and philosophical level it can be viewed as acting force behind universal will of Karma – the flow of energy that keeps the universe in balance.
Sol – The Sun is the focal point of Western astrology for a reason; it signifies who we are, Not just our personal identities, but everyone’s identity within the cosmic plan. It is the point from which the soul (sol) enters the body and it’s astrological placement indicates why it chose to be born. The sun’s radiant energy and gravitational pull are the focus that created our solar system, set it in motion, gave it life and sustain it. Just as the moon revolves around our home, the earth, like all things in this galaxy, revolves around the Sun
Regions effectedSkinArea of consciousnessEtheric body – This chakra is associated with the spiritual realm. Here is where we merge with God, the All That Is.
Key WordsEnlightenment, knowing and cosmic consciousnessPhysical organ associationPituitary gland (although some believe it is the pineal gland)
RelationshipNot of the material world but as a gateway to worlds beyondMusical NoteB
ManifestationInformation – connection with higher realmsGovernsOur connection to the concept of “God” or a higher intelligence
Psychological stateBlissKey phrasesThought, knowing, information, understanding, Transcendence, meditation, enlightenment, consciousness
GlandsPituitaryOther body partsCerebral cortex, central nervous system
MalfunctionDepression, alienation, confusion, boredom, apathy, inability to learn or comprehendSense
Tarot suite
FoodsFastingCorresponding verb“I know”
Herbs for incenseLotus, Gotu KolaGemstonesAmethyst, diamond
AnimalsChief operating force

Key phrases
Thought, knowing, information, understanding, Transcendence, meditation, enlightenment, consciousness


Violet to white – creativity, visionary, inspiration – Uncovers the creativity and artistic talent within each of us. It purifies our thoughts and feelings inspiring us in all aspects of our lives. This radiant vibration connects us to our spiritual self-strengthening our wisdom, guidance and inner strength.


The merging of the self with the unconscious. Associated with the spiritual realm. Here is where we merge with God. All that is


Enlightenment, knowing and cosmic consciousness


Not of the material world, has a gateway to worlds beyond.