The Second Chakra


The second chakra is thought of “that which is itself, that which belongs to itself. It is primarily through this chakra that we experience the deep feelings associated with physical manifestation: sexual energy, which is also the seat of creativity and the place where we experience that childlike wonder and excitement of things around us. A sense of innocence and wonder (which we sometimes lose because of blockages put on this c. by taboos toward sexuality. Here we encounter change, for without change, we cannot grow.


Water represents emotional depth and instinctive feeling. Water is considered cleansing and regenerative. Water types are fluent, have deep feelings and often strong intuitions or psychic powers as well. Water is the element that sustains life and it is the medium in which life was created. Those of you born under the influence of water act with the fluidity of a river, affecting your environment with your strength and quiet charm. Creative and captivating, diplomatic and intuitive, water individuals are the masters of subtle persuasion. Without even appearing to try, you can gain someone’s trust and affection, and once you’ve got them they’ll follow you anywhere. You make everyone feel special, noting and praising each person’s unique talents.


The moon is the undisputed master of the ocean tides. Water is its domain and it reflects both its subtly and strength. It is associated with a person’s emotional make-up, unconscious habits, rhythms, memories and moods. It is the seat of intuition and inspiration as well as our instincts and it sets the subtle beat for the rhythm of life.


Orange – happiness, confidence, sociable. This is a fun happy color that strengthens our appetite for life. It removes our inhibitions and makes us feel independent and sociable. The orange ray helps broaden the mind and open it to new ideas. So next time you want to have a wild party make sure you include orange in the décor.



Sanskrit NamesvadhisthanaMeaningSweetness
LocationThe second chakra is often called the sexual chakra, because sexual energy is believed to originate there. But the second chakra is much more than simply a sex chakra, it is the seat of creativity. This chakra is locate at the sacrum, which is the densest bone in the spinal column. When the second chakra is closed or blocked, it can make the entire person appear lifeless. A blocked second chakra can cut you off from your emotions, and you may feel removed from an interest in sexuality. On the other hand, if your second chakra is excessively open, emotions can sometimes rule your being, creating an unbalanced system overall.
SituatedIn the small of the back, to the left-hand side of the spineFunctiondesire, pleasure, sexuality, procreation
LessonFeelings—The right to feel. Connected to our sensing abilities and issues related to feelings. Ability to be social and intimacy issues.
StimulantsHot aromatic baths, water aerobics, massage. Embracing sensation (such as different food tastes). Orange food & drink. Orange gemstones and orange clothing. Using orange oils such as Melissa or orange essential oils.
CrystalPearlElementWater – Water Energy relating to emotions.
Regions effectedTongue and The spleenArea of consciousnessEmotional – Change in that we now moving beyond our understanding of ourselves and realize the awareness of others-desire arises and with it our emotions and sexuality.
Key WordsChange, polarities, movement, pleasure, emotions, sexuality, nurturance, clairsentience, socialization, waterPhysical organ associationspleen (Peyer’s Patches) as well as the kidneys and bladder
RelationshipCoresponds to the liquid part of the body-circulation, urinaryMusical noteD
AttributesGovernsFeelings of sexuality and creativity
Inner stateTearsOther manifestations
GlandsOvaries, testiclesOther body partsWomb, genitals, kidney, bladder, circulatory system
MalfunctionImpotence, frigidity, uterine, bladder or kidney trouble, stiff low backSenseTaste
Tarot suiteCupsPlanetMoon
FoodsLiquidsCorresponding verb"I feel”
ImbalancesEating disorders. Alcohol and drug abuse. Depression. Low back pain. Asthma or allergies. Candida & yeast infections. Urinary problems. Sensuality issues as well as impotency and frigidity.
Herbs for incenseorris root, gardenia, damianaGemstonesCoral
Animalsmakrara, fish, sea creaturesChief operating forceAttracting opposites


Happiness, confidence, sociable – This is a fun, happy color that strengthens our appetite for life. It removes inhibitions and makes us feel independent and sociable. The orange ray helps us to broaden the mind and open it to new ideas.

It is through this chakra that we experience the deep feelings associated with physical manifestation; sexual energy, which is also the seat of creativity and the place where we experience that childlike wonder and excitement of things around us. A sense of innocence and wonder.


Difference, separation, change, duality, movement