Changing Times


Changing Times


     Its no secret to anyone that the times are changing, we are going through times that for us, are unusual and at times downright uncomfortable.  The reality is that we are always going through changes though sometimes we don’t recognize the shifts that are ongoing.  Nature, humanity, the cosmos is always in a state of evolving and shifting.  The recent shutdowns that occurred worldwide literally gave humanity a time out to reconsider and reflect of the pathways we were on.  It gave us time to to make choices and reorient out lives, to take different pathways or experience different lifestyles.  Many took this time to make shifts in their lives and their livelihood and their approach to life itself. 

     Change can be looked at as a difficulty or a challenge its all in the eye of the beholder.  Change is a challenge and when looked at in that light we engage our creativity and find new and different ways to engage our energies.  Time is fluid, it is ongoing and flowing.  We can choose to flow with it and go with the current or try to paddle upstream against the current (which is very tiring).  Nothing ever remains stagnant there is always growth and change no matter how hard we try to hold everything in place.  Today will always become yesterday.  Focusing on what used to be is a waste of time but focusing on what could be fuels the future.  It has been said that we create our reality by our perception of it.  Opening ourselves to the potential and possibilities of the future and guiding our lives accordingly open us to a richer and more bountiful future.  What we work for we can evolve into but it takes effort and all of us are capable of that.  Take care of your own personal reality and the rest will  flow accordingly.

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