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The energy of change and transition are all around you. Listen to the quiet message from the universal energies and bring that change into every aspect of your reality. Change is good; it awakens new aspects and dimensions not seen before. You need not make the changes radical, but the more change there is the greater the new light you bring into your life and reality, and the greater the potential you open to yourself. There is a time to let go of those aspects that do not enrich you on some levels and make room for greater outlets for your creative talents and greater potential for the gifts you carry within. For some, there has been a feeling that something must be changed and they look for the channels. For others the way is clear and you only need to take the first step to be swept away with the creative flow just waiting for your call. Whichever way you flow, know that change can only open new magic to your life. It is your choice and free will as to how much you wish to allow to flow into your reality.