soul versus Spirit
Soul versus Spirit
With great deference to Merriam-Webster and Saint Google I offer my humble definition of the difference between soul/mind and Spirit.
In my personal philosophy I view the Human essence as a trinity of Body, Soul/mind and spirit.
The body being the physical avatar, or container wherein all other aspects of the human condition dwell and work through. It gives those aspects a way to communicate, share, react, manifest and move through the environment in which they exist.
The Soul/mind is that element that contains the emotional, moral, personality and character of the individual … those aspects through which the individual interacts with the environment and other sentient elements of the reality wherein they dwell.
The Spirit – A seed from the source of all creation – immortal – the animating life force that supplies the fuel for the avatar to move through and be a contributing factor in any given time frame. The connection to cosmic awareness and the enlightenment wherein consciousness resides – that which travels lifetime to lifetime.
At the time of transition (death) the body and soul/mind are released and fall away from spirit. Spirit alone moves on to other realities and dimensions for further experiences and wisdoms that are gathered and stored within. Each new experience (lifetime) new bodies and souls/minds are gathered and the spirit animates them for that individual time and space, until yet another transition occurs and as was so elegantly said some where the mortal coil (body/mind and soul) is shuffled off and the spirit soars toward the light of the source to find another area to experience.