This book probes the mysteries of human civilisation, its origin in ancient Lemuria and ebb and flow in the rootraces like Atlantis, through to the current Fifth Rootrace – and into the future. It is essentially the story of the human soul and the evolution of consciousness, interpreted in the light of Blavatsky s The Secret Doctrine, and The Book of Genesis, drawing upon Eastern and Western traditions Judaic and Hindu, Christian and Buddhist. The science of cycles, the yugas, astrology and the seven rays are incorporated to illustrate the vast chronology of human evolution. These esoteric sciences are also bridged where possible to scientific disciplines such as geology, anthropology and biology revealing their agreement, proofs and unity. Unveiling Genesis is a vastly updated and re-written version of The Hidden History of Humanity (2005), with 143 figures, 108 tables and hundreds of illustrations to assist the reader in deciphering our complex human origins – upon this beautiful planet we call Earth!