For those of you who are on a spiritual journey this book is a must read. Solaris puts it simply and in a manner that most of your questions about being on a spiritual path are clearly explained. In my opinion one of the best handbooks out there.
Transmutation through Ascension is Spiritual icing on the cake. Solaris brings forth keys to spiritual development and empowerment which like a brilliant quasar radiates a spiritual signature to its readers and activates their divine spiritual blueprint. When opening the door to higher consciousness one can bridge light-years with a single thought. This book is for anyone wishing to grow and evolve to a higher dimensional level. Solaris will guide you through a infinite dimension of topics from Spiritual house cleaning to thoughts and how they affect your internal and external world. You will learn more about celestial energy and the subatomic ascension particles that mind map mysticism. A wonderful resource book for any spiritual practitioner. Solaris will provide your mind with light packets of consciousness to fuel the cells of your body and boost you on the Golden Path of Spirit. You will have a better understanding of the energetic multiple world energies that surround us and encompass our essence, and how toutilize the light of Ascension to assist you in your every day life.