Discover the fascinating dreams that are behind the music we know including 20+ Grammy-winning inspirations, the song with the most cover versions of all time, iTunes’ most-purchased song, major artist career breakthroughs, and many more dream-harvested successes.
You can also learn how to recall dreams better and tap them for creative inspiration (e.g. songwriting), improving skills such as live performance or musical instrument mastery, and even for practical guidance to help solve any challenge you may ever face. Understand your dreams better, transform upsetting dreams into the gifts they are meant to be, and try techniques for invoking lucid dreams where amazing adventures and insights are plentiful.
Over 200 artists and industry executives across all genres of music share powerful dreams and lucid dreaming experiences along with the songs and surprising success that resulted. Enjoy insight-packed dream accounts by music icons Paul McCartney, John Lennon, Billy Joel, Sting, Beyoncé, Taylor Swift, Drake, U2, Peter Gabriel, Michael Jackson, Diana Ross, The Rolling Stones, Johnny Cash, The Black-Eyed Peas, Ziggy Marley, Paul Simon, Pete Seeger, Cole Porter, Louis Armstrong, Beethoven, Mozart, Richard Wagner, Igor Stravinsky, and many more. Many experiences are accompanied by the empowering dream principles that such events demonstrate so that you can apply and benefit from them in your own life.
The book also reveals surprising musical collaborations sparked by dreams, dream visions that called artists to their career path, stars who see music or hear images, powerful warning dreams where the lives of famous artists and others were at stake, 20+ intriguing cases where the deceased appeared in dreams of living artists to instruct them or offer key creative and career guidance, and how shamans from many cultures worldwide call in music from dreamland and share it for healing, teaching, protection, and powerful rituals. You will also find out how dreams have inspired film, TV and computer game soundtracks, artist and band names, instrument inventions, business and career decisions, playing techniques, and even performances, including one of the most expensive composition performance pieces ever created which involves 4 helicopters in flight.