Science has manipulated DNA, mapped the human genome, and cloned both plants and animals. They estimate that humans share 99 percent of their DNA with chimps, but the 1 percent difference enables humans to create art, literature and religion.
We often wonder, what makes humans innately human? Is it our biological differences, our lack of body hair, the size of our brains, opposable thumbs or our ability to walk upright? What was the catalyst that spurred the transition from tree-dweller to an upright, tool-making being able to travel to the moon?
The evolution of man has adherents in multiple disciplines. Some hold firm to religious doctrine, while others believe evolution is nothing more than survival of the fittest and that humans are still developing. Other factions believe that humans were genetically engineered by extraterrestrials and are the result of an infusion of alien DNA.
Dr. Rita’s new book, Stepping Out Of Eden, offers a new theory that will leave readers questioning and contemplating the implications long after they’ve turned the last page. It incorporates perspectives from a variety of disciplines ranging from psychology, behaviorism, anthropology and science to religion, spiritualism and mythology. Through logical investigation into the mythic records, archeological finds and theological sources, she arrives at clear and concise conclusions. The book offers a broader view that questions many of humanity’s most dearly held beliefs about itself and answers many of the questions that people have, but are told not to ask.