Sacred Psychiatry: Bridging the Personal and Transpersonal to Transform Health and Consciousness with Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir MD

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Discover holistic approaches to psychiatric healing.

Your previous experience with conventional psychiatry likely consisted of suppressing symptoms with pharmaceuticals without considering you as a whole person. It’s probable that there was little exploration of the power of the sacred to promote healing, which is especially crucial in our current climate of widespread fear and disconnection.

In Sacred Psychiatry, you will be introduced to a diverse range of holistic approaches to healing. This book offers invaluable guidance on how to develop a personal spiritual practice and highlights the profound significance of fulfilling the soul’s purpose. It illustrates the usefulness of astrology, emphasizes how toxic relationships undermine healing, and showcases the remarkable healing power of food as medicine. Sacred Psychiatry also provides a holistic framework for weaning off of psychiatric pharmaceuticals and highlights treatable but frequently overlooked complex chronic conditions such as mold toxicity, mast cell activation syndrome, and Ehlers-Danlos syndrome.

Judy Suzanne Reis Tsafrir, MD, is a holistic healer with a private psychiatry and psychoanalysis practice in Newton, Massachusetts. She is a board-certified adult and child psychiatrist and psychoanalyst, is on the faculty of Harvard Medical School and the Boston Psychoanalytic Institute, and teaches and supervises at the Cambridge Health Alliance.