Analyzing the ways in which the Grimm brothers’ tales provide real, vital insights into how to live more happily, understand the need for personal and psychological growth, and find that significant other, this innovative study revives the true healing nature of these beloved tales. Combining enjoyment of these tales with insightful research, this exploration uses actual case histories to show how the odd and bizarre episodes in fairy tales are actually astounding renditions of human behaviors that occur during times of crisis. It also shows how the six archetypal stages of psychological development are present both in these tales and in everyday life. Contrary to common, contemporary fairy tale re-creations, this study discusses how the Grimm brothers’ stories deal with topics such as dysfunctional family dynamics, sexual jealousy, narcissism, incest, rape, and personal growth from trauma to wellness–noting that Cinderella didn’t have a fairy godmother and frogs were never kissed.