A MODERN SPIRITUAL CLASSIC: An old Vietnam War veteran learns about his life and why he is here. He shares his life changing experiences while traveling four times to India in search of meaning and understanding. He spends months at a time in isolation at a jungle ashram with his newly found satguru. His memoir covers a decade after he retires from his government work. His journey takes him to the Himalayas where he meets with mysterious and mystical yogis, Buddhist monks, and cobra snakes. He experiences supernatural wonders that cannot be fully explained. He explores hundreds of old temples and churches in search of wisdom. Along the way, he has two near-death-experiences and a dozen heart attacks; while other major health issues threaten to take his life and slow him down. He falls off a 30 foot cliff in India after finding and visiting the sacred Babaji’s Cave, that Paramahansa Yogananda wrote about in his book ” Autobiography of A Yogi”. He meets teachers, gurus, masters, saints and sinners and even fools along the way, who all guide and direct him along on a path, that he was not even aware he was traveling down. He learns to face old fears, learns new things about himself and finds that he has a purpose and a destiny. His newly found satguru, orders him to have his “Naadi Palm Reading” done in the near by city of Pune, India. Against his own wishes, he goes and discovers a link to the past and his future. He learns about his destiny and what he is supposed to do with the remaining days of his life. He is even told when he is going to die.This is only the beginning of a series of internal and external changes that take place, as he continues his journey. He is stuck down by a major heart attack in Mumbai and has to return back to California. He undergoes open heart surgery and finds himself transported to India after his heart is stopped on purpose, while he is put on a heart and lung machine. He meets ancient holy men and is given a vision of his future and his purpose. The book is a series of short stories of his real life experiences, some involving time spent with his satguru. These all unfold as his “heart” is physically, spiritually and emotionally changed. This is truly a story of spiritual evolution. The opening up of the heart to love and the power of forgiveness. It is a spell binding, sacred adventure. The author takes you along with him as he learns and experiences life anew and gains new understandings. The author has several personal encounters with the great avatar Babaji and has some miraculous healings because of those. This is an inspiring book for mystical, spiritual seekers. It is like “Indiana Jones” Meets the Guru! Each story connects the energy together, as we all travel along with Rev. Bill, as he explores inner space. The book reads like a thriller mystery except it is all true. These are the personal encounters of a real life mystic and spiritual seeker. You only need an open heart and an open mind and you will find yourself transported to your own sacred destiny!