Akhenaten to the Founding Fathers: The Mysteries of the Hooked X is the third book in a series that investigates the origin and meaning of a mysterious symbol originally found on the five fiercely debated medieval North American rune stones. That research led forensic geologist Scott Wolter on a world-wide search that resulted in several explosive discoveries, including the stunning realization that the Hooked X symbolizes an ideological thread that weaves through at least 3,800 years of human history. This amazing story involves some of the most important figures in world history, including the Egyptian Pharaoh Akhenaten, the biblical Jesus, the medieval Cistercians and Knights Templar, numerous Native American tribes, Freemasonry, and the founding fathers of the United States, including Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, and George Washington. This book introduces several new mysterious artifacts and sites in North America along with exciting new scientific geological research using the latest technology, which allowed Wolter to reach definitive conclusions about the authenticity of these and many other controversial artifacts. Some of these artifacts provide conclusive evidence that changes not only North American history in a profound way, but demands a thorough rewrite of world history.Wolter brings the reader along on his investigations and presents his case using his proven and enjoyable narrative style along with over 280 black-and-white images, and 40 color photographs to introduce these artifacts and sites and illustrate his points. After the fun, Wolter distills the evidence down to his findings of fact, his interpretations of the facts, and finally presents his conclusions in a convincing scientific way that is irrefutable.