Waves of Time




Waves of Time

The waves of time caress the beaches of lifetimes past

They tenderly hold the memories out of time

When our spirits danced upon and within the cosmos

Linking one to another and then to eternity

Eon to eon our spirits have traveled, linked by a heartbeat

Surrounded by light.

Manifesting in physical to touch the earth mother

Touching and sharing the warmth of the loved shared.

Love never lost is remembered once more, Awareness expanded

To touch and to linger, in moments filled with love

Remembering a connection out of time

Your eyes, your voice, your heart, have followed me through time …

Embraced me when I felt empty, encouraged me when I felt lost…

Within me I have treasured the memory of your love

And sought but never found it in another, though decades washed over me

The memory of your touch, the softness of your voice the warmth of your love

Reached to me out of time, and reminded me of magic we once shared

Through misty rain, water gently lapping the shore and loves secret laughter

Awakened from a slumber the love expands, reaches out to you and touches,

A soul mate, a partner, a friend and a lover,

a match that could only come from the source of all creation

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