September 2018


September 2018


     This is a month that marks the beginning of the manifestation of the changes that have for so long been assembling beneath the surface of the consciousness of all.  Many have been feeling that there is something coming, a shift, a change an explosion of information that will open eyes and minds to new directions, as veils are lifted in some areas.  It is important to note that this is the beginning of a very long process , so it is important to watch and not jump to conclusions, for all the facts are not yet ready to be revealed and will not be for some time yet to come.  While many think they have a so-called handle on the directions that the truth will take it is curtail for all to wait and see, as the Buddha so wisely and gently suggested.   While much will begin to be revealed it is only the tip of the iceberg so to speak, so please hold judgment lest you make choices or determinations based on a faulty basis.


     The energies this month are volatile as if there was desperation in the air, and many will feel that way without knowing the source of the feeling.  There will be an eruption of information in countless areas both public and private and much will challenge the belief systems of many.  Those on pedestals will find their foundations shaken and many will fall and be shattered by the truth.  Those who considered themselves untouchable will watch as their barriers crumble and the truth is finally revealed.  A caution here however, wait for all the truth to be revealed before making judgment for there is a great deal of the ice berg yet to be revealed and it will take months perhaps years for all to come into clarification.  The very foundations will shift, change and crumble to make way for new and stronger foundations but decades may be necessary for the full process to be formed, tested and set.


     On personal levels this is a time when many will find themselves reexamining their directions.  New professions and careers may be opening to all and the choice to reach for new directions will drive many to look for changes in personal areas.  The element of creativity is going to be applied to all areas, the need to follow those inner forms of inspiration and creative urges to inspire and enlighten all of reality.  Healing takes place as we let go that which we no longer have control over and we look to the future and how we can enhance it through expanding the qualities we apply to everyday life.  This is a time when we rebalance our energies and draw upon those inner talents that have been carried through time.  Balance is important in all aspects and we need to focus on it in order to redirect our pathways, realizing that we are here to forge our unique and individual paths and not follow another’s.  That we all carry  unique and individual qualities into this lifetime and are meant to embrace and evolve that difference into individual directions is very important for this lifetime.  This is a time of allowing our uniqueness to direct us on the journey of this lifetime.  The talents and energies that flow with those differences enhance healing and enable us to let go the weight of the past to fuel the journey towards a very different and unusual future.


     This month marks the beginning of new beginnings and as with the birth of new concepts we need to be careful and take baby steps.  Try not to rush to judgment, these are going to be unsettled times and the better the balance the more easily will you traverse this time frame both publicly and personally.  All will face choices and shifts in direction, its almost as if we are being taught a new dance, one of evolution and change, one that has new steps and new movements that are not familiar and yet when put in motion create a new dance of creation in harmony with altered levels of evolution and insight.  The changes are often unusual and yet familiar as enlightenment and insight open portals to new dimensions and possibilities never before anticipated … and yet we are actually repeating a cycle millions of years old, we just don’t remember it.

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