June 2018

June 2018

This is a month inn which all will feel a shift in the energetic fields that surround us and the planet.  There will be a need to alter many directions this month and focus more closely on the home, both physical and spiritual.  As the energies shift, vision on all levels will become clearer and a deeper understanding of our lives and realities will come into focus.  This is the beginning of a huge change that is going to evolve over the next decade or so, consciousness and wisdom will open to areas and modalities that few even had an inkling of.  The world as we know it is changing, evolving, and shifting so be prepared for changes in new and unusual places in areas you thought were carved in stone and in aspects of life you were sure you had figured out.  Our place in the cosmos is going to become more and more a part of everyday life as understanding and knowledge are filtered through the veils that have been hiding them for decades, even centuries or perhaps even millennia.  Sources of enlightenment and comfort will shift along with everything else and truth will emerge out of the shadows to reveal information long suspected but never proven.  This is a very exciting time and one in which the more sensitive you are the fewer the surprises will be.  There will be aide and assistance from sources unusual to say the least and we will eventually emerge from the fog of illusion into clarity and wisdom … but it will take time and we are only at the beginning of the fringes of change so be patient with yourselves and others.


Wisdom and knowledge are a focus this month.  Many will be reaching for hints from antiquity to enlighten the present and open the way for the future.  There is a new sense of a need to take control of some of the new directions that many will be endeavoring to incorporate into their structures and realities.  There is still much knowledge and wisdom hiding in plane sight that hold the keys and answers to many of the current questions facing humanity.  This month is one in which many will seek out answers in most unique ways and find that they hold inner wisdom they did not even realize they had access to.  This is an enlightening time and one in which all will find a greater richness within than ever before.  This leads to further searching into the source of the energy that propels us in new directions of awareness and understanding.


In many ways this is a time of initiation, a time when all will be tested in one way or another, a time when we find a greater balance within our lives and discover greater strength within.  For some this may seem a bit difficult but for others it will be a time of challenge and excitement.  This is a time of letting go of preconceived opinions and be open for new and unusual possibilities.  For many who have closed minds this may be a time of challenges but for those who have open minds and hearts it will be a very exciting time of growth and change, especially in the areas of philosophy and inner beliefs.  Be open and question everything for not all is as it seems and often the unexpected becomes the norm in the blink of an eye.


This is also a time of putting aspects and areas of life into order.  Many have over the past few years become fragmented in many aspects of life.  This is the time to restore order and organize everything.  Even those who like chaos of sorts will find themselves in need of establishing order of some kind in life.  There is a need to take stock of what has been gathered over time and determine what is still of use and what can be let go of to find a new home.  This does not mean get rid of everything… just what no longer has value or purpose in your lives.  This culling serves uses … there is a need to organize and sort for all of us, a need to be aware of the baggage we carry on a physical level and choose to let go of some if not all of what no longer has application to our lives.  Then, when that is completed, and it may take several rounds to make a dent, we turn to the emotional baggage we carry.  That as well needs to be observed gone through for there is baggage there as well.  It is important to address these areas for in the months and years to come everyone will be gathering new physical material as well as new emotional philosophies … take the time now to make room for new aspects of life on all levels and avoid a scramble later.

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