July 2018


July 2018

          This is a time when all will strive to re establish a better flow of energy within their lives and realities.  These are times when the very foundations upon which we have based our philosophies and lives on, show signs of beginning to crumble.  There will be those who struggle to hold the line so to speak, to reinforce those foundations for it is to their benefit that no changes happen.  For the greater majority, though change is unsettling, it does hold out the hope, that a new direction will improve quality of life and open the door for opportunities that have recently been denied.  Change is always good for it creates new directions for everyone … the difficulty comes when either direction is taken to the extreme and that appears to be what is about to happen.  This is going to be a slow process and will take several years to fully activate, we are just seeing the beginnings of a process that has really been festering below the surface for a great deal of time.  Silent battles that have been behind closed doors, tumble into the spotlight and draw the attention of many.  What we see in the next decade has been decades in the making and the lines are drawn deeply into the fabric of our reality.  What seems petty now will explode into major difficulties for many and what people do when their security and avarice is threatened is frightening.  Those who thought they were untouchable will find that this is not the case and many will leave the country and enjoy the spoils of their deceit in exile rather than facing the consequences of their actions … many already reside outside the borders of this country.


          On a personal level many will be trying to find a new rhythm in their lives, to re-focus their directions and to reach for new and more challenging goals.  It is an exciting time as new opportunities open to all.  Remember, Change is a good thing, it takes you out of self-imposed ruts and enables you to create new challenges and modalities.  This is a time for re-invention for many as they find themselves in situations that enable them to reach for areas that had not been open to them in the past.  Embrace the changes though they be a bit unsettling for a new persona indicates new perspectives and expansive possibilities.  No matter your place on your personal time line it is an opening for you to discover talents and gifts you had not utilized in the past … celebrate the newness and use it to enlighten your spirit and your reality.


          This is going to be a month in which the only thing that will limit you is yourself.  There will be all sorts of opportunities that open to you, I encourage you to try them all on, unless they are against the law or your own personal morals.  Reach beyond those boundaries you have placed upon yourself and experience some of those challenges you always shied away from.  This can be a wonderful time of exploration for you, remember its important that everyone continue to learn and grow, to expand awareness and understanding, to (to borrow from Star Trek) go where no man/woman has gone before.  The veils are thinning and the dimensions and more available than ever before … reach for the stars because if you don’t reach you’ll never find out what’s out or in there.


          Information seems to pour in from all areas, be open, have an open mind and heart and see what resonates best to you.  Don’t follow but rather carve your own pathway and find what resonates best to the spirit within.  Your lessons and information will come from most unusual sources this month so be aware, keep a journal and watch for symbols for they will flood you this month.  Remember also that messages from spirit are multi leveled so don’t be content to just one level search for the deeper meanings for they are the ones that have the most profound impact on you and your reality.  The deeper you go the greater the message is that you uncover.  Always ask of yourself … “What else is there here?”


          The spiritual floods your reality and gives you new perspectives through which to view.  It puts different spins on all situations and allows you to choose the directions you want to react with.  This is a time in which you are able to literally choose how you apply yourself to all aspects of life.  You can react without thinking, you can be logical and reasonable, or you can choose to pause and reflect from a more spiritual view and then take a different action all together.  Whatever you choose will be correct so long as the only advice you seek is from within.  When you let another lead you, you give them power and divert you from your own pathway.  Just as with self-help books … the material is always perfect for the one writing the book but not necessarily for the reader.  That is not to say don’t read them … it means take what resonates, make it your own and then put it into practice in your own way… then it serves you well.  Always create your own personal pattern and let the spirit within guide you through the labyrinth of this lifetime.  You carry the map within seek it out and follow it.  And remember sometimes it is appropriate to sit and reflect and find peace and tranquility in silence … sometimes the most appropriate action is no action at all.


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