January 2020

January 2020


Energies drift and take on new directions as the winds of wisdom change the course of destiny for many.  New thoughts and philosophies awaken to the call of change and new pathways lead to old portals that now embrace a new generation of seekers… ones who have sought through time to reach beyond what is seen for that which is calling from dimensions unseen. 


The veils of ignorance begin to fade and fall away revealing hidden truths that have been concealed from many.  A clarion call echoes from the future and reminds those seeking the true meaning and nature of this journey through the human experience.  The spirit within resonates and seeks greater manifestation within the physical … it is with ears to hear, eyes to see and hearts to embrace that will heed the call and move in new directions towards greater enlightenment and awareness. 


Each lifetime has purpose and relevance, a steppingstone towards a destination that ever draws us forward yet still hidden in the mists of time.  January finds humanity on the precipice of a spiritual transmutation … a spiritual shift that will touch the very DNA of the physical and shift consciousness.  Though the process will cover generations… all will feel the change and find their lives moving in new directions.  Where many have felt out of control, now a new strength is found, and shifts put into motion.  Inner journeys will take place within and the understanding that the answers have always been within, the cosmic awareness has just been awaiting thee recognition and embrace of its power.  A power of peace and love, understanding and compassion.


It will feel to many that changes must and will begin to take place beginning with the simple and moving to greater movements, the element of patience will be stretched in many ways and many will struggle for them to be more rapid and immediate … The old foundations are crumbling, and that debris must be fully cleared and the dust of that which was unstable allowed to fully settle before building can begin.  Know that this is the beginning, and each must start with the simple areas before the larger ones can be addressed.


Inner work begins in earnest with this month.  Clear your environment and let go of what no longer serves or applies to your lives.  Find your center and expand your horizons …. Open to the energies that are yours alone and allow the creative energies to flow and manifest with your realities.  The month’s to come will indeed have some very unusual changes in store for you enjoy the journey for it is meant to be not only enlightening but joyful as well, The breath of spiritual wisdom creates bubbles of laughter and joy for those who seek it with open hearts.



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