For the week of August 4, 2019

For the week of August 4, 2019


Though many will feel that the energy is a bit sluggish this week the opposite is really the case.  This is a week in which it is the inner energies that are firing on all eight cylinders.  Energetically there are spiritual downloads that are rapidly feeding information to everyone and each will react differently to this unique experience.  Some will be driven in new directions, others will feel the need to sleep more and not be able to turn their brains off and still others will be driven to make huge changes in their living environments while others pull the covers over their heads and wait for the energy to settle.  All in all, it is an exciting time for the aspect of inspiration seems to have been unleashed in everyone.


This week is also a time to reorganize aspects of your lives that have become cluttered or ignored, it is a time to re establish a new balance in your lives.  Some may find it helps to create a schedule to make sure you incorporate all aspects that are required for balance to take place.  List those aspects that you want addressed and create a pie chart, check things off as they are addressed and by the end of the week you’ll see what needs to be addressed and how to balance it all out.  Many will feel overwhelmed a bit this week, so balance is indeed something we want to look at.


This is also a time when inspiration and creativity will be calling to all of you.  The more you incorporate these aspects into your everyday life the greater the flow of energy and the more you’ll accomplish.  After all it is the creative energy that creates flow in your life both spiritually and physically.  I’ll admit that often things move slowly on the physical levels but rest assured the internal energies follow that old adage of slow and steady sets the pace and when you consider it is your life’s journey we’re talking about remember it is a marathon not a sprint.


This is a week for focus and balance, take your time and be guided by the inspiration and insight the spirit sends you in the form of coincidences that occur, write them down and send the message to spirit that you got it and they will snowball to unexpected dimensions.

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