August 2018


August 2018

          Energetically there is much going on under the surface this month, both internally and externally.  It will feel as if you are waiting for a pot to begin to boil or a volcano about to explode.  Internally everyone will have the feeling as if something big is about to happen, and that is very appropriate for as we come into the fall, especially September much is going to come to the surface that will be unsettling for many.  But let’s not get ahead of ourselves.  August is a month in which it is full of anticipation and the need to tie up loose ends and put projects to bed or just clear the slate as it were.  This is a time when there should be decluttering on a major scale and a reorganizing on all levels.  Those with children are getting ready for the coming school year and those who have empty nests are shifting and changing their schedules and looking in new directions for the future.  The key words for this month are Balance and Justice.  Bringing a better balance into your life and making sure you haven’t ignored any aspects that are crucial to the flow of your reality.  The focus for the entire month will be on balance so establish it in all aspects for without it you will wobble, and things could spiral out of control.


          Spiritually speaking it is important to draw body, mind and spirit together, once more making sure that they are in balance within you and also your physical reality.  Pay attention to the symbols of the trinity that will flood you this month for this is a time of symbols as well.  The more frequently you recognize them and record them the more frequently they will appear.  Understand that there are always more and deeper levels to any symbol that touches your consciousness and the further you dig for meaning the greater awareness that they bring to you.


          This will be a month of upheaval on many levels so make sure you are ready on all levels.  Change is definitely in the air and the shifts will not only be on an emotional level but physical as well.  August will feel as if we are being shaken to remove from us that which we have been carrying for a long time and just forgot to get rid of.  Reality as well will feel as if it is shifting …and it is.  We will see the beginnings of great shifts around us and some may elicit emotions within us that are unexpected to say the very least.  Watch for the cracks to appear in all areas of life and prepare for changes that had previously been unexpected.


          The element of “going within” will be something that all will do at unexpected times.  This is a direction that all should have been focused on all along but now it becomes necessary for all to apply to their lives for perspective is shifting and more and more is coming to the surface both within and without that is new and in some cases a bit unsettling.  This is an exciting time  and much is starting to be reveled to us about our reality that has more or less been kept from us.  The journey of going within and connecting to the spirit that we all carry is of great import in this time frame.  Though there is no universal road map each will find the direction by listening to the insight and inspiration that is shared with us in unusual times and unusual ways.  The only thing you have to be is alert to those signs and symbols and the way will clear for you.  The only caution is to watch for those times when your ego tries to misdirect you … the more thinking you do the harder it is for spirit to connect, the more feeling and intuition you use the clearer the passage.

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