Which gifts or lessons do you associate with deepening awareness?

Which gifts or lessons do you associate with deepening awareness? –   I have found that those who are on a spiritual journey eventually come to the understanding that the element of love is profoundly important and that love must first be found and then developed within the self. Our first obligation is to the self and then others. Those who do not work upon themselves first have nothing of value to share with others. Teachers who have not experienced a lesson cannot teach the wisdom with any validity. The more one knows themselves the greater the gift they have to share with others. With self-awareness comes empathic awareness and the ability to resonate with another’s energy. Creativity for me is the key.

That is, when we open the creative channels within ourselves, we clear the way for the spiritual energies to flow through us and energize the forward motion of our journeys through this lifetime. That creativity need not be profound, just an expression of inner joy and it is always of a very personal nature. When we allow the creative channels to be open we add a greater dimension of light to infiltrate every aspect of our lives and that in turn enlightens the spirit within as well.

Questions for Barbara