When one experiences trauma or stress, anything that can cause the soul to be fragmented…, and is in the process of soul retrieval, do these parts also contain our spiritual DNA?

When one experiences trauma or stress, anything that can cause the soul to be fragmented…, and is in the process of soul retrieval, do these parts also contain our spiritual DNA?

Thanks for your question Tatiana

Often when we experience trauma or stress we protect ourselves by “forgetting” these experiences and hiding them in the very recesses of our consciousness.  There are those who call this a fragmentation of spirit but in reality, our spirit cannot be fragmented because it is etheric, pure energy, and as such cannot be broken apart.  Those who do “spirit retrieval” are actually delving into your consciousness and, if appropriate, helping you to remember so that healing can take place.


I must admit that the term Soul fragmentation and Soul retrieval had me going for a while until I visited a shaman who was very old and very wise.  She explained to me that the soul is always complete but for the consciousness to deal with life often some memories need to be buried for a time until it is ready to deal and heal.  So in a way a shaman or similarly trained spiritual healer does travel in spirit into the recesses of your consciousness and helps you to bring into the light that which now is ready to be dealt with.  The spirit we carry within this physical avatar we call a body is always whole and complete…we just don’t always have conscious access to all of which it carries.


Spiritual DNA is a whole different aspect.  The DNA within the physical makeup of these earth bodies is made up of DNA, the formula if you will for replicating the bodies we inhabit.  Of the many strands that make up our DNA Science has only been able to identify a few of the strands and what their functions are.  Among those not yet fully understood, or called by some the junk DNA, is that which holds out connections with spirit, our Akashic records and so much more.  The physical body is made up of cells and in each and everyone of them are a complete pattern or road-map of the physical makeup of the human existence for this lifetime, in each and everyone of those cells there is a connection to the eternal spirit that is the source of our creation.  While the body can be fragmented … the spirit/soul remains whole.

Questions for Barbara