What advice do you offer people experiencing intense energy shifts, synesthesia and expanding perception on different levels?

What advice do you offer people experiencing intense energy shifts, synesthesia and expanding perception on different levels? –   All of us are experiencing energy shifts and expansion of perception, it is up to the individual as to the level of impact it will have within their realities.  Many individuals are so caught up in the mundane reality that change in perception will not be considered.  For those individuals life will most probably slow and they won’t understand why.  For others the new awareness opens new vistas and potentialities, a new way to perceive and experience life as we know it.


This is indeed a time in which there are greater opportunities for all of us to learn and expand our individual awareness’s.  I think the most important thing for everyone to understand is that the times are really changing and that how we once viewed reality has shifted greatly.  If we flow with the changes and the awareness that they bring we open ourselves to expanded understanding to the literal meaning of life as we know it.  This is a time when gifts of the creative nature will be emerging within all of us.  As we flow with it and allow it to be expressed through our lives we leave a greater imprint of light energy upon this time frame.  If we do not evolve with the energies as they touch and enhance our consciousnesses we will not experience the visions that they are capable of evoking within us.

Questions for Barbara