The universe does have a way of inviting each of us to recognize and focus on the best-feeling direction. As your life path implies, we choose to listen or not. Tell us, how do you see life in relation to the soul and spiritual pathways?

The universe does have a way of inviting each of us to recognize and focus on the best-feeling direction. As your life path implies, we choose to listen or not. Tell us, how do you see life in relation to the soul and spiritual pathways? –    I believe that with each incarnation we peel away a layer of ignorance and that we are evolving towards a more enlightened time upon this planet. Each lifetime we take on a new form, a new perspective and a new personality. Always remembering, ” we are not really humans on a spiritual pathway, we are spirits on a human journey,” (would love to say that was my quote but I really can’t take credit for it). I believe that each lifetime we are here to learn and to gather and that each lifetime we become more aware of the role spirit plays within that lifetime. It is through our successive human experiences that the soul is able to gather light and to increase the inner purity the is carried. It is the soul’s choice as to how many life experiences it has, not the human consciousness.


Many have declared that they are on their last incarnation, it is my feeling that they are the ones who have many more to gather for the true understanding of the journey we are all on. Life here is a gift for development and spiritual awakening, it is through these many lifetimes that the spirit within truly understands the meaning of unconditional love. The more lifetimes the greater the clarity of the light within. Those who truly understand the purpose of our journeys return to shed light and become beacons for others. Not so much to teach by words, but rather by example, so others may get hints as to where their own personal gifts and talents are hidden within.

Questions for Barbara