In which direction of evolution do you sense the human species as a whole is heading? – I believe that the human species as a whole is at the brink of the dawning of awareness … an opening of consciousness that comes closer to touching the divine than ever before. As a race we have certainly gone through stages of development, but I believe that we still have a long way to go. So long as there are wars, famine, cultures that are persecuted and people who are trying to hold power over others we will never achieve the enlighten state that so many are striving for now.
It will take everyone, working together, sharing unconditionally to create the kind of energy that qualifies us for membership in a cosmic family. I believe that those who created us are watching and guiding when it is appropriate, but I fear we are very much like adolescence flexing muscles just developing and not knowing how to use the power we possess. When peace, love and light are totally a part of all of us and there is no want anywhere, within anyone, then and only then will those that created us welcome us into the ranks of whatever the next step or dimension is.