April 2018


April 2018

This is a time of gathering together what ever has been fragmented and pulling all back to center.  The energies that have been in flux for so long are, for a while, resting and gathering themselves together.  Take advantage of this month to re organize and re focus all aspects of yourself and your life for this is going to be a year of what one could call a roller coaster ride and this is one of the few times for you to take advantage to be calm and pull things together  before the excitement starts again, and rest assured it will.  Allow yourself the luxury of resting more and patiently re gathering those aspects of your life that have gone unattended.  This is one of the few times this year when you have the opportunity to re balance yourself and your life.  With balance comes stability and with stability comes security for the times that to some will feel out of control.  Those who do not take the time for balance now will find themselves loosing time and energy later on as the imbalance that starts now becomes more and more unmanageable later in the year.  Organize, declutter, schedule and plan for the months to come will be a challenge if you don’t.  To neglect these aspects can lead to some overwhelming conditions later on… a little effort now prevents great chaos later.

The focus this month is on working, both personally and internally in your day to day reality.  This is a time focused on creating an atmosphere that is conducive to manifestation on all levels.  It is time to focus on the inner you, the spirit within and what is needed on that level to gather what is required for evolution and transformation.  While there is absolutely work involved it is important to note that this kind of work has to be enjoyable as well.  I know that sounds like an oxymoron, enjoyable/work, but that’s what creativity is all about.  This is a time to stretch your creativity and find new areas to pour your energy into to expand consciousness and enhance the flow of creative energy within you.  It doesn’t mean ignore or neglect whatever your mundane jobs are, it means adding another aspect to your reality …by doing so you shift and change your perception of your reality and add greater vibrancy to both your perception and your experience of it.  You enhance life and reality shifts for you.

By stretching consciousness and expanding your energy in new ways, you actually birth a new aspect of yourself into the physical reality.  You become a richer more vibrantly alive entity and consciousness expands because of it.  What is manifest within your reality are then aspects that have rested beneath the surface of your consciousness, once manifested they become a living working part of you and all you are a part of.  This is a time of growth and expansion and the more creative you are the richer the spiritual rewards are.  The only secret about this whole process is that if you aren’t enjoying it …it doesn’t count …and while we may be able to fool many people and even ourselves at times, you can’t fool the universe.

Getting your house in order on all levels is called for this month.  This is a time when avoiding the details will not work in your favor.  Often you will find that those things you left unfinished this month have to go back to square one in the months yet to come.  Pace yourself and stick to  your schedule and things will balance out beautifully, leave loose ends and you’ll find the work really piles up in the months to come, at times being overwhelming and frequently standing in the way of new projects you really want to be a part of, don’t put things off for later, because later well may mean you miss out on some amazing opportunities.

This month is also a time in which it is suggested that you dream big.  That old adage “The only one that limits you, is yourself,” really rings true for this time frame.  Reach beyond your limitations, stretch for the stars and beyond.  This is a time for you to set your expectations beyond the horizon.  Reality starts as a dream and then through your work and focus it becomes manifest … the only thing that limits you is your self-doubt.

There are always choices no matter what your situation or circumstances, you always have the freedom to choose the manner in which your lessons flow to you.  Patience and waiting for options to manifest reveals many of the choices that are available to you.  That, and remembering that creativity in all forms opens doors that you didn’t realize were there.  Often by being creative in one area of your life opens the way for creativity to begin to flow into all aspects and in that manner expanding the possibilities greatly.  Remember that you charted this reality by your focus and perception and always, ALWAYS, you have the freedom to change directions and the manner in which the lessons are presented to you.  The power and manner are already within all you have to do is reach for them and embrace them … it is your right and you have the freedom of choice to manifest them.

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